The hottest Solidarity Substack posts right now

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Top Faith & Spirituality Topics
After Babel β€’ 2074 implied HN points β€’ 04 Oct 23
  1. Identity trap ideologies suggest we can't understand each other, but it's important to challenge this notion.
  2. Standpoint theory emphasizes empathizing with oppressed groups, but it may not effectively guide political action.
  3. To argue against the identity trap, take concerns seriously, show why the ideology may fail, and propose a more noble path forward.
The Friendly Neighbors β€’ 1002 implied HN points β€’ 10 Oct 23
  1. The conflict in Israel, Gaza, and Palestine is complex and involves multiple sides with long histories.
  2. It's important to show solidarity and compassion for both Israeli and Palestinian neighbors.
  3. As Christians, it's possible to support Israel while also praying for peace in Palestine and recognizing the humanity of all involved.
well, actually β€’ 176 implied HN points β€’ 16 Oct 23
  1. Solidarity with Palestinians is important due to their humanity and resistance to the nation-state of Israel.
  2. It's crucial to distinguish criticism of Israel from antisemitism and to question the legitimacy of nation-states.
  3. Having solidarity with Jewish people while separating them from the Israeli state is essential for their fate.
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Dada Drummer Almanach β€’ 182 implied HN points β€’ 03 Oct 23
  1. Independent musicians legally cannot strike or form a union due to antitrust laws.
  2. There are ongoing efforts, like the Protect Working Musicians Act, to exempt musicians from antitrust laws and negotiate better with streaming platforms.
  3. Even though musicians can't strike like Hollywood workers, they can still build solidarity and advocate for better conditions.
The 21st Century Proletarian β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 22 Aug 22
  1. Modern workplaces are increasingly resembling playgrounds for adults, with fun activities and colorful environments to create a more enjoyable work atmosphere.
  2. The infantilization of office culture can lead to employees feeling disempowered, lacking genuine workplace satisfaction, and being discouraged from advocating for their own interests.
  3. The Stepford employee dynamic, cultivated by companies treating workers like children, can suppress autonomous thinking, hinder collective organizing for better conditions, and foster a culture where employees rely on the company to dictate appropriate behavior.
Do Not Research β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 23 Mar 21
  1. The rise of belief systems like Qanon and Starseeds highlights the powerful impact of alienation on individuals' worldviews and search for meaning.
  2. Both Qanon and Starseeds offer individuals a sense of belonging, purpose, and agency in a world filled with chaos and uncertainty.
  3. Starseeds, while advocating for global enlightenment and unity, often struggle with individualism and echo chambers, hindering their potential to drive large-scale change.