The hottest Products Substack posts right now

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Unbox Inbox 1982 implied HN points 20 Feb 24
  1. People have different preferences when it comes to salt, from carrying salt in tin pockets to seeking out salts from specific countries.
  2. Salt can be a luxury experience, with high-end brands offering unique flavors and sustainable options.
  3. The history of salt is rich and fascinating, influencing trade, wars, and civilizations throughout time.
Unbox Inbox 1506 implied HN points 27 Feb 24
  1. Toothpaste packaging can reflect the product inside, from minimalist whites to colorful designs.
  2. There is a variety of toothpaste options for different preferences, from classic white tubes to bold, colorful packaging.
  3. Innovations in toothpaste include sustainable options like tablets and refillable packaging, offering alternatives to traditional tubes.
Why is this interesting? 1085 implied HN points 27 Feb 24
  1. A new recommendations site, Why is this interesting? Recommends, has been launched after almost five years of planning, bringing together over 1,000 product, book, and software recommendations from their past newsletters.
  2. The use of AI has played a crucial role in extracting and categorizing product recommendations from a vast amount of text, making the process more efficient and manageable.
  3. The team behind the site is open to feedback and suggestions, emphasizing user engagement by encouraging exploration, purchases, and sharing ideas for further improvements.
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Department of Product 393 implied HN points 01 Feb 24
  1. MultiOn and Arc Browser are challenging the assumption that users interacting with products are human by automating browsing tasks
  2. Shopify introduced over 100 new product updates in its Winter Edition, including a media editor for generating product images instantly
  3. Google, PayPal, Zoom, TikTok, and OpenAI all revealed new features and products this week, showcasing advancements in technology
Highlighted by Highly Enthused 235 implied HN points 28 Jan 24
  1. The post discusses ways to survive hot summer days, like making cold brew and running through sprinklers.
  2. A book recommendation is shared for 'Beloved' by Toni Morrison, describing it as a powerful and captivating read.
  3. The writer shares the joy of owning a Cuisinart Ice Cream machine and making sorbet, recommending a mango sorbet recipe.
davidj.substack 71 implied HN points 15 Mar 24
  1. A data product can take various forms and be consumed in different ways, always requiring an interface for consumption.
  2. From raw data like CSV files to refined database tables, streams, JSON files, and ORM abstracted layers, all can be considered data products.
  3. BI tools, AI automation, and semantic layers play crucial roles in creating consumable data products for various industries, making data more refined and accessible.
Working Theorys 86 implied HN points 23 Feb 24
  1. A great premise gives context and comfort for users to engage in actions they might otherwise find challenging
  2. Great premises are the foundation of successful products and brands, normalizing behaviors or beliefs that were previously not accepted or considered mainstream
  3. Powerful premises lead to strong identities for products and businesses, shaping brand decisions and marketing strategies
The Security Industry 11 implied HN points 11 Mar 24
  1. The cybersecurity industry has over 10,000 products from almost 4,000 vendors, making product discovery and purchasing complex.
  2. The approach to buying cybersecurity products differs from other tech areas due to the constant evolution of threat actors, leading to a wide range of products.
  3. Gartner, a key player in cybersecurity product evaluation, covers only a small percentage of the total number of products available, leaving gaps for buyers seeking specialized solutions.
@MacBrennan’s Investor Updates 58 implied HN points 08 Aug 23
  1. Products are applications that define user experiences and focus on capturing markets.
  2. Protocols are infrastructure enabling specific product experiences and compete on resources and architecture.
  3. Successful products retain and grow through effective distribution, while successful protocols aggregate resources and serve multiple products.
Austin's Analects 0 implied HN points 18 Apr 23
  1. Many fitness professionals don't earn high wages, but offering the right products can increase their earnings.
  2. Fitness products often focus on 4 main goals: rapid fat-loss, muscle gain, strength gain, or total well-being; align your products with these categories.
  3. Real-life examples like Earn Your Carbs Nutrition Program and Cbum Fitness App show how specific products address these popular fitness goals.