The hottest Societal Impact Substack posts right now

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AI Snake Oil 398 implied HN points 27 Feb 24
  1. The paper on the societal impact of open foundation models clarifies the discrepancy in claims about openness's societal effects, examines the benefits like transparency and empowering research, and proposes a risk evaluation framework for comparing risks of open vs. closed foundation models and existing technologies.
  2. The framework for risk assessment in the paper outlines steps like threat identification, evaluating existing risks and defenses, and determining the marginal risk of open foundation models. It aims to provide a structured approach to analyzing risks associated with open foundation models.
  3. By analyzing benefits, such as distribution of decision-making power, innovation, scientific research facilitation, and transparency, the paper sheds light on the advantages of open foundation models and offers recommendations for developers, researchers, regulators, and policymakers to navigate the landscape effectively.
Default Wisdom 210 implied HN points 07 Aug 23
  1. The future of content creation is uncertain, but people are still making money from platforms like YouTube and TikTok.
  2. Despite predictions of a Digital Dark Age, mass culture still exists with recognizable cultural touchpoints and influencers.
  3. The internet's 'perpetual now' raises concerns about the loss of digital history and the value we place on online content.
Silent Lunch, The David Zweig Newsletter 43 implied HN points 01 Sep 23
  1. A new study challenges the logic behind pandemic responses like forced masking and distancing for healthy individuals.
  2. Research shows that presymptomatic infected individuals rarely have the ability to infect others.
  3. Findings suggest that social distancing measures may not have been as effective as previously believed.
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Weight and Healthcare 319 implied HN points 27 Oct 21
  1. Diets often fail, with studies showing a high failure rate around 95%, despite patients' efforts.
  2. Weight loss interventions can lead to biological changes that promote weight regain, indicating a flaw in the approach.
  3. Healthy habits, rather than weight loss, show significant health benefits regardless of BMI, challenging the common belief in weight loss as the key to health.
Data Taboo 20 implied HN points 26 Jul 23
  1. Male college enrollment has been declining relative to females, with significant historic changes in gender ratio.
  2. Learning outcomes like SAT scores and GPA are not driving the changing college enrollment gap.
  3. Changes in admission criteria, such as emphasizing GPA over standardized tests, have impacted male acceptance rates and enrollment.
Anxiety Addiction & Ascension 0 implied HN points 25 Apr 22
  1. Supporters of lockdowns and money printing may face harsh reality with rising grocery bills.
  2. Outsourcing personal agency to bureaucracies and adopting slogans over dialog can lead to negative consequences.
  3. The system may be failing due to cronyism, and a return to true capitalism based on freedom might be necessary.