The hottest Video Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Caitlin’s Newsletter 544 implied HN points 15 Mar 24
  1. Caitlin Johnstone now offers high-quality video versions of her articles for those who prefer video format.
  2. The videos feature subtitles, a reading of the articles by her husband Tim, relevant screenshots, and occasional light-hearted moments.
  3. Caitlin Johnstone also provides audio versions of her articles on platforms like Soundcloud, Spotify, and other major podcast platforms.
The Algorithmic Bridge 849 implied HN points 16 Feb 24
  1. OpenAI's Sora is a revolutionary text-to-video AI model that excels in generating high-quality videos with various resolutions and aspect ratios.
  2. Sora is a diffusion transformer model that leverages a mix of diffusion model (DALL-E 3) and transformer architecture (ChatGPT) to process videos like ChatGPT processes text.
  3. Sora serves as a generalist, scalable model of visual data, capable of creating images and videos, transforming them, and simulating physically sound scenes, albeit in a primitive manner.
imperfect offerings 319 implied HN points 24 Feb 24
  1. Synthetic media like deepfake videos raise concerns about truth and authenticity, impacting education and public discourse.
  2. The development and use of AI-generated media like Sora in elections and public communication can distort reality and trust in information.
  3. Educators need to focus on critical thinking, authentic assessment, and personal engagement to navigate the challenges posed by synthetic media in learning environments.
Democratizing Automation 221 implied HN points 16 Feb 24
  1. OpenAI introduced Sora, an impressive video generation model blending Vision Transformer and diffusion model techniques
  2. Google unveiled Gemini 1.5 Pro with nearly infinite context length, advancing the performance and efficiency using the Mixture of Expert as the base architecture
  3. The emergence of Mistral-Next model in the ChatBot Arena hints at an upcoming release, showing promising test results and setting expectations as a potential competitor to GPT4
TheSequence 140 implied HN points 29 Feb 24
  1. OpenAI's Sora is a groundbreaking text-to-video model that can create high-quality videos up to a minute long.
  2. The release of Sora has caused a lot of excitement and discussion in the generative AI community and media outlets.
  3. While OpenAI has not revealed extensive technical details about Sora, the model includes some clever engineering optimizations.
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Artificial Ignorance 79 implied HN points 28 Feb 24
  1. The emergence of tools like Sora from OpenAI is revolutionizing video production with realistic outputs and seamless object interactions.
  2. Creating nature documentaries and other narrative videos through automated processes involving Sora, GPT-Vision, and ElevenLabs is becoming increasingly feasible.
  3. The future of entertainment and media is set to be transformed by AI-driven technologies, enabling faster video generation and real-time content creation for indie filmmakers and creators.
Byte-Sized Design 58 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. Instagram improved video uploading efficiency by compressing videos first to progressive encodings and then converting them to adaptive-bit-rate videos, saving 94% of resources.
  2. The challenge for Instagram was to support various video formats for different devices while minimizing resource consumption and CPU usage.
  3. Insightful optimization was achieved by realizing that progressive and adaptive bit rate encodings could use the same codec, streamlining the encoding process to focus on scalability.
Soaring Twenties 231 implied HN points 07 May 23
  1. The topic of Death evoked deep and varied responses from writers.
  2. The contributions ranged from personal essays to poetry, showcasing different perspectives.
  3. The Symposium highlighted the power of exploring complex themes through creative mediums.
Daniel Pinchbeck’s Newsletter 11 implied HN points 08 Mar 24
  1. Generative AI has the potential for positive impacts like scientific breakthroughs, but its negatives such as military misuse and media disruption may outweigh the benefits.
  2. The influx of fake content, scams, and deep fakes created by AI poses serious challenges, leading to a digital garbage dump on the internet.
  3. While AI can enable innovative capabilities like text-to-video technology, the sheer volume of content may lead to apathy and lack of creativity in media production.
The Digital Native 137 implied HN points 17 Jul 23
  1. The history of social media platforms reveals how they evolved over time from the first websites to the current popular ones.
  2. The future of social media is shifting towards more video content, engagement with photos, the rise of podcasts, and the importance of authentic self-expression.
  3. New platforms like Threads are emerging, offering unique ways for users to connect and share content, hinting at a return to more honest and less curated social media trends.
Cosmos 19 implied HN points 23 Jan 24
  1. MrBeast is exploring monetization on X platform and made $250,000 from his first video, sparking skepticism and speculation.
  2. MrBeast may close a $100 million TV show deal with Amazon, possibly luring fans to Prime from YouTube.
  3. Creators in the digital space are advocating for fair pay and transparency, with resources like 'Fuck You Pay Me', '', and 'Creators Guild of America'.
GOOD INTERNET 10 implied HN points 18 Feb 24
  1. AI-generated movies are still a decade away due to the challenge of conveying emotions and depth in storytelling through synthetic video. It's about more than visual effects; it's the connection and relatability with characters that make a movie impactful.
  2. OpenAI's Sora aims to create a world model for future AGI by 'understanding' spatial realities, but it's still far from truly grasping physical reality. Object constancy and depth perception are crucial for AI to comprehend the world like we do.
  3. The development of multimodal AI-systems combining spatial understanding, language, and audio is progressing, but AI still lacks the imaginative, curious, and social skills that babies possess. It's a long journey before AI can truly comprehend and interact with the world like humans do.
Mythical AI 98 implied HN points 24 Mar 23
  1. Creating videos from text prompts is challenging because it involves understanding and replicating movement besides images.
  2. Existing text to image systems are amazing but doing text to video requires additional capabilities.
  3. While there are research papers and tools for text to video, there's no high-quality solution yet, but advancements are expected in the future.
Year 2049 6 implied HN points 16 Feb 24
  1. OpenAI and Google are continuously surprising with new AI advancements like Gemini 1.5 Pro and Sora.
  2. Google's Gemini 1.5 Pro features a 1 million token context window and uses innovative architecture for improved performance.
  3. OpenAI's Sora introduces text-to-video capabilities with impressive video generation but still faces challenges in certain scenarios.
The False Consensus Effect 78 implied HN points 14 Feb 22
  1. The author reflects on their relationship with their partner and the love that has grown over time.
  2. The post includes personal elements like songs and a love letter from the past, showcasing the depth of their connection.
  3. There's a theme of enduring love and appreciation for their partner, demonstrated through art and memories shared in the post.
Perfecting Equilibrium 19 implied HN points 26 Feb 23
  1. New technologies like artificial intelligence are changing job landscapes, but also creating new opportunities.
  2. Prompt-based artificial intelligences like DALL-E can assist with tasks like graphic design and writing.
  3. Experimenting with different prompts and styles can help generate unique and interesting results when using AI tools.
Arjun’s Newsletter 3 implied HN points 10 Sep 23
  1. Arjun shares his favorite reads and insights weekly on his Substack.
  2. Chekhov's short stories are rich in character and complexity.
  3. F. Scott Fitzgerald's 'The Crack Up' offers a somber reflection on ambition and tragedy.
Do Not Research 19 implied HN points 15 Sep 21
  1. Ross Simonini's "Say No" challenges traditional notions of success through music.
  2. The EP Standards volume 2 questions conventional genres like pop, country, and jazz tunes.
  3. The music video for "Say No" reflects on animals in a human world, disinterested in human pursuits.
rtnF 0 implied HN points 15 Jun 23
  1. To extract audio from a video, use the command 'ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vn -acodec copy output-audio.aac'
  2. After extraction, compress the audio with 'ffmpeg -i input.aac -map 0:a:0 -b:a 96k output.mp3'
  3. The process involves two steps: extraction and compression
Association of Cryptocurrency Journalists and Researchers 0 implied HN points 12 Jun 23
  1. The newsletter covers top crypto journalism and research from April and May, reflecting on significant crypto stories
  2. The articles include discussions on cryptocurrency market trends, regulatory challenges, and technological advancements
  3. Members can engage with the newsletter by contributing articles or joining as journalist members for exclusive benefits
Do Not Research 0 implied HN points 20 Nov 23
  1. A 63-minute audio-video collaboration titled OVERKILL took place in Seattle in 2023 at the old Rainier Brewery, combining music by DJ DataPagan and video editing by 0erik1.
  2. The event featured the work of Carlin Kramer and Emma Wheeler, bridging early and late dance performances in a unique artistic space.
  3. The collaboration showcased a blend of creativity and performance in a visually striking presentation.
Do Not Research 0 implied HN points 15 Feb 22
  1. The author reflects on childhood weirdness and how certain memories shape us, even if we don't fully realize it at the time.
  2. Rituals involve convincing oneself to momentarily believe in something outside of normal logic, using psychodrama and repetition.
  3. Themes of religious prayer, devotion, and piety play a role in the psychological drama of ritualistic behavior.
Polymath Engineer Weekly 0 implied HN points 27 Feb 24
  1. Deliberate practice is crucial for improvement. Practicing mindlessly can hinder progress by reinforcing existing habits instead of enhancing them.
  2. Understanding different programming paradigms like supervision trees in Erlang can be beneficial for managing state and processes effectively.
  3. The Black-Scholes/Merton equation, originating from physics, revolutionized finance with trillions of dollars at stake, showcasing the impact of cross-disciplinary knowledge.