Interesting bits

Less-than-weekly content about the intersection of technology and society, from online events to long-form writing.

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And their main takeaways
157 implied HN points 29 Mar 23
  1. There are two main ways conversations unfold: narrator-driven and audience-driven.
  2. Predicting outcomes during conversations can be detrimental and shift focus from active listening.
  3. Instead of making predictions, focus on asking thoughtful questions to let the storyteller share their narrative.
98 implied HN points 14 Jun 23
  1. The benevolent AGI introduces changes such as paying for output instead of jobs
  2. Professions shift as people experiment and adapt to the new payment system
  3. AI emphasizes the importance of asking questions and implementing solutions for survival
98 implied HN points 07 Jun 23
  1. Our human-machine interfaces are closing the gap from real-time to anticipatory interfaces, through devices like AirPods and smartwatches.
  2. Technological advancements are enabling companies like Apple to move towards interfaces that react before users are even aware of their thoughts.
  3. Society is evolving into a digital superorganism, transforming how we communicate and think collectively.
78 implied HN points 02 Jun 23
  1. Car companies may not always address software issues promptly, leading to frustrations for car owners.
  2. As cars become more digital, their hardware may expire faster, requiring more frequent replacements.
  3. Regulatory efforts or restructuring the car industry may be needed to address issues of planned digital obsolescence and consumer protection.
78 implied HN points 31 Mar 23
  1. Music consumption has evolved significantly, with endless options and easy access to diverse genres.
  2. Technology is transforming music creation, making it more accessible for everyone.
  3. Speculations on the future of music include personalized soundtracks, AI-generated music, and potential challenges with royalties and individualized music taste.
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19 implied HN points 15 Mar 23
  1. Banking regulations can impact the stability of financial institutions and the broader economy.
  2. Changes in interest rates and reporting practices can affect the financial health of banks.
  3. Social media and technology have transformed how individuals can influence markets and participate in financial activities.