The hottest Neurotechnology Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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The Intrinsic Perspective 13599 implied HN points 13 Mar 24
  1. Artificial Intelligence is advancing in discussing consciousness, raising questions about its implications
  2. There is a scientific imbalance between the understanding of creating AI and understanding consciousness
  3. Debates on AI consciousness highlight challenges in defining consciousness and its relation to AI capabilities
Asimov Press 122 implied HN points 28 Mar 23
  1. DARPA has initiated over 40 neurotechnology programs in the last 24 years, showing a significant focus in this field.
  2. Neurotechnologies funded by DARPA have led to advancements like memory prostheses, speech decoders, and robotic prosthetic arms with sensory feedback.
  3. Studying DARPA's history and outcomes in neurotechnology can provide insights for funding high-risk technologies, mapping the human brain, and preparing for artificial general intelligence.
Interesting bits 98 implied HN points 07 Jun 23
  1. Our human-machine interfaces are closing the gap from real-time to anticipatory interfaces, through devices like AirPods and smartwatches.
  2. Technological advancements are enabling companies like Apple to move towards interfaces that react before users are even aware of their thoughts.
  3. Society is evolving into a digital superorganism, transforming how we communicate and think collectively.
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