The Latent Space

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The hottest Substack posts of The Latent Space

And their main takeaways
78 implied HN points 19 Jan 23
  1. To go big, start by going small
  2. Hyper-personalize your outreach to stand out
  3. Offer value and run small experiments
19 implied HN points 30 Jan 23
  1. Successful companies pair unique product ideas with unique target users.
  2. Early companies should focus on acquiring customers by addressing specific needs of a passionate user segment.
  3. Design products for early users, not the average user, to achieve Product-Customer Fit.
0 implied HN points 31 Oct 22
  1. Software products have evolved to have zero marginal cost, no clear path to intellectual property, and limited reliance on upfront capital, leading to new forms of defensibility.
  2. Successful consumer social apps leverage network effects to create business moats, making it harder for competitors to enter the market.
  3. SaaS companies focus on creating switching costs through seamless integrations and high touch onboarding, making their products sticky and hard to replace once integrated into office culture.
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0 implied HN points 06 Nov 22
  1. Educational inequality stems from various reasons like poor teaching access and lack of resources.
  2. Proposes leveraging top teachers through recorded lectures for standard education across all classrooms.
  3. Suggests teachers take on more mentoring and counseling roles to guide students towards success.
0 implied HN points 28 Oct 22
  1. The Metaverse is focused on creating synchronous experiences for users.
  2. Key to VR success lies in addressing the challenges posed by distributed work and asynchronous communication.
  3. VR aims to provide better synchronous experiences for people separated by physical distance.