The Serverless Mindset

The Serverless Mindset by Marco Troisi offers insights on serverless technology and its implications for startups, including development practices, architectural decisions, and productivity strategies. It emphasizes the importance of balancing business logic with infrastructure, adopting agile methods, and leveraging serverless for scalability, efficiency, and innovation.

Serverless Architecture Software Development Practices Startups and Business Strategy Agile and Productivity Techniques Cloud Services and Infrastructure Testing and Debugging Architectural Patterns Vendor Lock-In and Cloud Providers Cost Optimization Microservices

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And their main takeaways
78 implied HN points 14 Jul 23
  1. Finding the right balance between infrastructure and business logic in serverless architecture is crucial.
  2. Serverless offers a sweet spot between simplicity and control, allowing for understanding and informed decision-making by developers.
  3. The relationship between infrastructure and business logic in serverless architectures is complex, and finding the right balance is key to creating scalable and resilient systems.
78 implied HN points 06 Apr 23
  1. Consider starting a project as a Serverless Monolith for easier setup
  2. Transitioning from a Serverless Monolith to microservices can be made easier with the "Serverless Citadel" concept
  3. Use the Serverless Citadel to gradually move towards a scalable architecture without the need for radical migrations
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39 implied HN points 14 Apr 23
  1. Focus on giving users a sense of progress to hide unoptimized areas of your system
  2. Strive to achieve the Appearance of Speed in user experience rather than focusing solely on actual speed
  3. Show something to the user quickly and update the page with data to enhance the feeling of progress in the application
39 implied HN points 10 Mar 23
  1. Amplify DataStore provides an easy ORM-like experience for DynamoDB, simplifying project setup and querying.
  2. Offline support in Amplify DataStore makes it ideal for applications requiring continuous offline functionality, like real-time collaboration apps.
  3. Visual data modeling in Amplify Studio streamlines the process of designing data models and relationships for DynamoDB.
39 implied HN points 17 Mar 23
  1. Lambda is a powerful computing service that is part of the serverless ecosystem.
  2. Avoiding Lambda can reduce errors and latency in applications.
  3. It's possible to replace Lambda with other serverless services for more efficient operations.
39 implied HN points 07 Dec 22
  1. With serverless and cloud-based development, debugging is discouraged in favor of writing tests.
  2. Debugging locally is considered a bad practice and should be avoided by writing tests instead.
  3. Cloud-based debugging relies on centralized logs and tools like Baselime, promoting robust and maintainable applications over time.
78 implied HN points 08 Feb 22
  1. Focus on integration tests for distributed systems like serverless applications.
  2. Unit tests are helpful for complex code logic, but don't give a holistic view of microservices' health.
  3. End-to-end tests are valuable for critical user journeys to ensure they work reliably.
58 implied HN points 12 May 22
  1. Implement Domain-Driven Design workshops for collective and incremental architecture in serverless systems.
  2. Utilize Event Storming to visualize the big picture, identify Bounded Contexts, and streamline collaboration.
  3. Engage in Design-Level Event Storming for finer-grain DDD elements and Example Mapping to clarify business rules for Lambdas.
19 implied HN points 07 Jul 22
  1. Use mock resolvers in AppSync to parallelize development and reduce dependencies.
  2. Design GraphQL statements and attach hardcoded responses for efficient team collaboration.
  3. Establish a contract between frontend and backend teams by using mock resolvers, allowing parallel focus on UI and business logic.
19 implied HN points 28 Jul 19
  1. Vendor lock-in can be beneficial and is not necessarily a bad thing.
  2. To fully benefit from the cloud, it's best to utilize all the services and features available without holding back.
  3. AWS is considered the best cloud provider due to its broad selection of services, market share, reliability, and innovation.
0 implied HN points 09 Apr 20
  1. The quality of conversations is crucial for chatbot success.
  2. Human-to-human interaction is key to effective chatbots.
  3. Key metrics for measuring bot effectiveness include user perspective, information retrieval, linguistic properties, and the Turing test.
0 implied HN points 23 Aug 22
  1. Always question why something is considered a 'best practice' - context is key and it may not always apply.
  2. Consider the journey and experiences of those promoting a best practice - what led them to that conclusion?
  3. Don't assume you're wrong for not following a best practice; it's important to understand the reasoning behind it.
0 implied HN points 09 Jun 22
  1. Working with a monolith can make a team less agile.
  2. Increased cognitive load is a real challenge when dealing with monolithic applications.
  3. Limiting the size of software to match the team's cognitive load is crucial for productivity.
0 implied HN points 02 Jun 22
  1. Principles inspired by Agile are effective
  2. Product management side of Agile is important but not the focus
  3. Choosing the right technology like Serverless can boost true Agile adoption
0 implied HN points 17 Feb 17
  1. Consider security in every aspect of your software architecture, especially with microservices.
  2. Prioritize key services with a 'defense in depth' strategy to enhance security.
  3. Utilize established encryption libraries and avoid writing new cryptographic algorithms to ensure security.
0 implied HN points 17 May 22
  1. Cloud-based development challenges traditional local development workflows.
  2. Running code on the cloud can simplify the onboarding process and improve consistency between development and production environments.
  3. Embracing cloud-based development can lead to more efficient and flexible work practices.
0 implied HN points 03 May 22
  1. Microservices can be complex like small monoliths, needing proper management.
  2. Consider using nanoservices to increase maintainability and quality of microservices.
  3. Redraw service boundaries if they become unmanageable, and focus on clean code and good tests.
0 implied HN points 08 Mar 22
  1. Start by setting up an automated CICD pipeline in a serverless project.
  2. Avoid diving deep into writing code without setting up infrastructure first.
  3. Automated pipeline is crucial for every software project, especially in serverless applications.
0 implied HN points 01 Feb 22
  1. The newsletter 'The Serverless Mindset' provides valuable advice for technologists implementing serverless technologies in their projects and teams.
  2. Serverless technologies reduce the amount of time spent on setting up servers and clusters, allowing more focus on business logic.
  3. The newsletter aims to offer practical advice and best practices in a digestible way, helping readers make informed choices for their projects.
0 implied HN points 14 Jun 21
  1. Leverage cloud-based services for world-class security without needing security experts.
  2. Implement defense in depth by applying security measures to each microservice.
  3. Consider adopting zero-trust architecture and keep your containers behind an API gateway for security.
0 implied HN points 06 Feb 17
  1. Serverless is about running code in the cloud without worrying about servers.
  2. Consider using Serverless if you have microservices with specific, intermittent, and high-computing tasks.
  3. Avoid Serverless if you are not already on a cloud platform or if you want to avoid vendor lock-in.
0 implied HN points 09 Sep 16
  1. The interview discusses when to use microservices and offers insights on when companies should adopt them.
  2. The event mentioned in the post, UXDX conference, focuses on improving the team behind the product.
  3. The video of the interview is less than 7 minutes long and contains interesting points about microservices.
0 implied HN points 24 Jun 22
  1. AWS Proton automates deployment of serverless and container-based applications
  2. Proton centralizes infrastructure creation, distribution, and updates
  3. Proton addresses the need for standardization, security, and best practices in software development