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Data Engineering Central 137 implied HN points 24 Jul 23
  1. Data Engineers may have a love-hate relationship with AWS Lambdas due to their versatility but occasional limitations.
  2. AWS Lambdas are under-utilized in Data Engineering but offer benefits like cheap solutions, ease of use, and driving better practices.
  3. AWS Lambdas are handy for processing small datasets, running data quality checks, and executing quick logic while reducing architecture complexity and cost.
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Rodrigo Kamada 58 implied HN points 22 Mar 23
  1. Create a serverless API using AWS Lambda and Node.js with TypeScript and Express.js.
  2. Learn to configure an account on AWS Lambda, create access keys, build a Node.js application with Express.js, and deploy it on AWS Lambda.
  3. Test the serverless API on AWS Lambda by sending requests to the created routes.
Making It Up 39 implied HN points 27 Feb 23
  1. DNS management in AWS is now even easier with the release of AWS CDK Split Horizon DNS v0.0.9.
  2. You can import existing hosted zones into the SplitHorizonDns construct without recreating records.
  3. A new safeguard called `disallowPrivateZone` has been added to allow isolation of private zone resources.
Cloud Weekly 26 implied HN points 27 May 23
  1. There are 4 main disaster recovery techniques: Backup & Restore, Pilot Light, Warm StandBy, and Multi-Site Active/Active.
  2. The techniques aim to optimize for RPO (Recovery Point Objective) and RTO (Recovery Time Objective), which determine how much data loss and downtime are acceptable.
  3. The choice of technique depends on factors like cost, recovery speed, and the criticality of the application, with each method having its own advantages and trade-offs.
AnyCable Broadcasts 19 implied HN points 07 Apr 23
  1. AnyCable connects Twilio streams with Hanami, utilizing features like Phlex, Vite, and CableReady.
  2. Exploring the potential of serverless WebSockets reveals challenges in handling long-lived, stateful connections in a serverless environment.
  3. Implementing pub/sub components for serverless WebSockets requires extra consideration for optimizing resources and scalability.
Cloud Weekly 8 implied HN points 03 Jun 23
  1. Autoscaling allows you to adjust resources automatically based on traffic, ensuring your application stays performant and resilient.
  2. Auto Scaling Groups in AWS help manage resources by defining minimum, desired, and maximum instances, allowing for easy scaling up and down.
  3. AWS Auto Scaling Groups provide strategies like simple scaling, target scaling, and step scaling to optimize costs and react to traffic based on predefined metrics.
Bit by Bit 3 implied HN points 29 Jun 23
  1. Amazon CloudWatch Logs Live Tail helps developers follow cloudwatch logs in real-time with features like dynamic filters and highlights.
  2. Live Tail can stream logs in around 2 seconds from when they are ingested in CloudWatch, while using CLI can vary between 2 to 9 seconds.
  3. Live Tail's pricing model is per-second and includes a free tier of 1,800 minutes per month, making it a useful addition to AWS console tool set for real-time log monitoring.
Bit by Bit 3 implied HN points 08 Jun 23
  1. AWS made changes to S3 default settings for improved security by blocking public access and custom ACL rules for new buckets.
  2. While enhancing security, the process of creating public buckets has become more complex and requires explicit steps to disable block policies.
  3. The complexities of managing storage like S3 in the cloud call for solutions that balance simplicity, security, and extensibility.
Bit by Bit 2 HN points 18 Apr 23
  1. Transitioning to running your dev environment on the cloud, like Amazon EC2, can offer more versatility and improved performance.
  2. Key components of setting up a development environment on Amazon EC2 include VPC, Autoscaling Group, and EC2 Instance with specific configurations.
  3. Optimizations like adding tailscale, hibernating instances, using vscode for connection, and utilizing reserved instances can further enhance the cloud-based development setup.