The hottest Substack posts of skry

And their main takeaways
58 implied HN points 09 Mar 23
  1. Avatar-Centered Design is essential in the metaverse and web3 to understand avatars' significance and influence.
  2. The increasing importance of digital avatars is driven by trends like self-expression, NFTs, and avatar interoperability.
  3. For Avatar-Centered Design, it's crucial to consider questions about avatar interoperability, value sources, and point of transfer.
39 implied HN points 10 May 23
  1. CR3 Labs is expanding beyond NFT analytics into Web3 gaming and collectibles.
  2. They believe in the future of Web3 gaming and are dedicated to empowering creators, collectors, and gamers.
  3. CR3 Labs aims to provide tools and research in areas like Blockchain/NFTs, Cloud Gaming, and Generative AI to give an edge in the new digital frontier.
19 implied HN points 20 Jun 23
  1. EIP-6551 proposes Token Bound Accounts for ERC-721 NFTs without requiring changes to existing contracts.
  2. Token Bound Accounts enable diverse functionalities like NFT composability and on-chain reputation tracking.
  3. Token Bound Accounts face challenges like gas costs, delegated permissions, front running, and malicious implementations which are being addressed.
0 implied HN points 30 Mar 23
  1. The NFT Lore Layer consists of on-chain assets, storytelling, and a sub-community.
  2. Lore Layer projects redefine the concept of a 'platform' in Web3 by leveraging existing communities without being tied to a specific platform.
  3. Advances in gaming technology are enabling the integration of gaming, storytelling, and community building in the Lore Layer framework.
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0 implied HN points 09 Feb 23
  1. TreasureDAO ecosystem includes $MAGIC token, NFT marketplace, and game launchpad.
  2. Arbitrum offers fast, secure transactions with low fees for TreasureDAO.
  3. TreasureDAO has evolved from a small NFT project to a gaming hub with various games and a focus on sustainability.
0 implied HN points 13 Apr 23
  1. Account Abstraction proposes a new Ethereum standard using smart contracts instead of keys, improving usability and facilitating user adoption.
  2. Account Abstraction solves issues by simplifying Ethereum user experience, allowing for multifactor accounts and easier transaction signing.
  3. Account Abstraction works through components like Bundlers, UserOperations, and Smart Contract Accounts, transforming how transactions are managed.