Sung’s Substack

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And their main takeaways
79 implied HN points 26 Mar 24
  1. Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them.
  2. In data engineering, the focus on speed is increasing, with the need for tools to actually make users go faster, not just show possibilities.
  3. To improve workflow efficiency, demand every element to be faster without compromises.
3 HN points 08 May 24
  1. Open source is a beautiful pursuit that allows people to solve problems they love while connecting with others.
  2. Career paths can evolve, leading to new opportunities and self-discovery in pursuing work that aligns with personal values and passions.
  3. Improvements in data tools and workflows, like understanding SQL deeply and prioritizing statefulness, can revolutionize data work and make processes more intuitive and efficient.
79 implied HN points 02 Jan 24
  1. Having dirty hands from diving into actual projects is important for growth, rather than just focusing on certifications or theory.
  2. Solving real problems in public and getting your hands dirty in open source can have a significant impact on your career, surpassing the importance of certifications.
  3. Engaging in hands-on experience and collaborating on projects that matter can lead to valuable personal growth and career advancement.
139 implied HN points 14 Mar 23
  1. Data engineering involves many tedious tasks and manual checks, hindering the ability to reach a state of flow
  2. Software engineers have smoother workflows and better tools compared to data engineers, allowing them to focus on their work and enjoy the process
  3. There is potential to improve the data engineering workflow by implementing real-time monitoring, interactive previews, and streamlined processes to enhance the experience
79 implied HN points 10 Jul 23
  1. Software engineering is evolving to impact more than just data tools and practices - it's influencing identity within the industry.
  2. The data industry is experiencing a significant shift towards merging software and data engineering, requiring a new level of ownership and empathy between the two.
  3. The goal is to create a world where data pipelines are more proactive than reactive, data as a product is ubiquitous and pain within the industry is minimized, leading to personal and professional growth.
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