The hottest Data Tools Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Joe Reis 196 implied HN points 05 Aug 23
  1. There are a lot of advanced data tools available, but many struggle with how to use them effectively.
  2. The main challenge in the data industry today is a lack of understanding of basic data practices and best tool practices.
  3. Data teams need to focus on standardizing their knowledge and competencies to increase the value they provide to the business.
Sarah's Newsletter 359 implied HN points 22 Feb 22
  1. Data quality tools are essential for maintaining trust in data and preventing stakeholders from resorting to workaround solutions.
  2. Choosing the right data quality tool involves understanding the specific needs of your organization and considering factors like budget, technical resources, and overall data quality goals.
  3. There are different types of data quality tools available, including auto-profiling data tools, pipeline testing tools, infrastructure monitoring tools, and integrated solutions, each with unique characteristics and considerations for selection.
Sarah's Newsletter 299 implied HN points 19 Apr 22
  1. Having modern tools doesn't guarantee providing value - it's more about how analytics teams use the tools to drive organizational change.
  2. The focus should be on delivering value to the organization rather than just building data platforms or using the most modern tools.
  3. Start simple with the minimum viable data stack and only add complexity when necessary - focus on solving real problems and evaluating tools based on problem-solving, maintenance, and scalability.
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