The hottest AI Bias Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Maximum Truth β€’ 189 implied HN points β€’ 24 Feb 24
  1. Google's Gemini Advanced AI displayed bias by predominantly erasing European features in its generated images.
  2. The head of Google's AI team, Jack Krawczyk, has displayed strong political views, influencing the direction of the AI's bias.
  3. Competition in the AI industry offers hope for less biased alternatives to heavily politicized AI models like Google's Gemini Advanced.
Five Links (and three graphs) by Auren Hoffman β€’ 178 implied HN points β€’ 17 May 23
  1. Midjourney, an AI tool, can accurately generate portraits based on prompts.
  2. Midjourney's portrayals reflect certain biases like gender and ethnicity, showcasing representation trends.
  3. Creating with tools like Midjourney promotes active creativity over passive consumption.
Low Fidelity β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 24 Jun 23
  1. It's important to be aware of bias in AI systems and work towards creating more equitable and accountable technologies.
  2. Reconsider the negative connotations associated with being 'slow' and embrace it as something nourishing and thoughtful in our lives.
  3. Building public speaking skills through practice and preparation can help you become a confident speaker and share your ideas effectively.
Technology Made Simple β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 04 Dec 22
  1. Creating content for a niche audience should focus on solving personal problems rather than trying to be the 'best'.
  2. In the realm of Machine Learning, it's more effective to cover what personally interests you rather than what is considered standard or important by others.
  3. Understanding and dealing with biases in large ML models like Stable Diffusion and GPT-3 is crucial in harnessing their capabilities while mitigating potential pitfalls.
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