Low Fidelity

Low Fidelity is a Substack designed to inspire designers through insights on mindset, mindfulness, resilience, personal growth, creativity, and the creative process. It covers themes like effective problem-solving, productivity, the role of the unconscious mind in creativity, and techniques for personal and professional development.

Mindset Mindfulness Resilience Personal Growth Creativity Problem Solving Productivity Unconscious Mind Professional Development Design Thinking

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117 implied HN points β€’ 08 Feb 23
  1. Steal ideas and strategies from others to spark creativity in your own work
  2. Consider publishing cyclically to allow for deeper exploration and understanding of topics
  3. Embrace going niche-less and create a fluid playbook to adapt to changing needs and keep content interesting
78 implied HN points β€’ 10 Mar 23
  1. Practice divergent and convergent thinking to solve problems effectively.
  2. Improve your sleep quality by following recommended tips like having a consistent routine and reducing screen time before bed.
  3. Building confidence involves practicing daily activities that challenge you, like taking cold showers.
39 implied HN points β€’ 24 Jun 23
  1. It's important to be aware of bias in AI systems and work towards creating more equitable and accountable technologies.
  2. Reconsider the negative connotations associated with being 'slow' and embrace it as something nourishing and thoughtful in our lives.
  3. Building public speaking skills through practice and preparation can help you become a confident speaker and share your ideas effectively.
39 implied HN points β€’ 12 Apr 23
  1. Over 34 million people in the US, with 9 million being children, suffer from food insecurity due to economic challenges.
  2. Food waste is a major issue, with approximately 39% coming from households, totaling about 42 billion pounds annually.
  3. Practicing mindful eating, like examining the journey of food before consumption, can raise awareness and appreciation for the food we have.