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Contemplations on the Tree of Woe 1425 implied HN points 10 Jan 24
  1. The term 'conspiracy theory' was created to mock critics of the Warren Commission's report on JFK's assassination.
  2. There is a divide between conspiracy theorists who see hidden cabalistic actions in major events and normies who believe in coincidences.
  3. Conspiracy theorists face the challenge of choosing which theories to believe and often entertain contradictory ideas.
Razib Khan's Unsupervised Learning 171 implied HN points 04 Mar 24
  1. Parents can now screen embryos during IVF using whole genome sequencing to check for hundreds of conditions, keeping families safe.
  2. The presence of maternal grandmothers has been linked to higher survivorship among grandchildren, showing the evolutionary importance of menopause.
  3. Research on ancient DNA and AI may offer valuable insights into human history, potentially surpassing the impact of ancient DNA studies.
weird medieval guys 1650 implied HN points 30 Mar 23
  1. Medieval artists depicted ancient Romans in medieval clothing to align them with the values and morals of their time.
  2. The Middle Ages saw a conscious effort to alter past narratives to conform with the present, rather than simply emulate the past.
  3. Through copying and adapting ancient texts, medieval scholars preserved and shaped the knowledge of classical antiquity, influencing how we perceive that era today.
Cosmographia 619 implied HN points 08 Oct 23
  1. Early Rome was ruled by Kings called 'rex', with Romulus being the first King who founded Rome in 753 BC. The city remained a kingdom until the Republic was born in 509 BC.
  2. There were supposed to be seven Kings in total according to Roman tradition, even though early records are lost. Historical accounts by Livy and Plutarch, though sometimes unreliable, provide captivating stories about these Kings.
  3. Numa Pompilius, chosen as King after Romulus, is known for his peaceful reign where he established religious and political institutions in Rome and created the city's first codified laws said to be dictated by a nymph named Egeria.
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the rohn report 0 implied HN points 13 Feb 21
  1. Our ancient stories reflect our history, showing us what mattered to us and how we evolved.
  2. Fairy tales, like 'Jack and the Beanstalk,' hold profound messages about courage, heroism, and human nature.
  3. Stories, from ancient myths to modern TV shows, remind us of our strengths, aspirations, and the importance of laughter.