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Cybernetic Forests 239 implied HN points 03 Mar 24
  1. The information age has transitioned into the age of noise, where data overload and automated systems shape our digital landscape.
  2. Artificial intelligence, while powerful, operates on abstractions of past data and predictions, emphasizing the need for human oversight and consciousness in decision-making.
  3. As artists and creators, it's essential to uphold meaning and context in the face of technological advancements, facilitating a collective understanding of our history and culture.
Cybernetic Forests 159 implied HN points 12 Mar 24
  1. Eryk Salvaggio has been named a 2024 Research Fellow with the Flickr Foundation, an organization preserving shared visual content for the future.
  2. Their research project will focus on AI-generated images and exploring Flickr's archives for training data.
  3. Eryk Salvaggio will be in London for a one-month residency in April 2024, looking forward to meeting people and sharing insights on their work.
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Cybernetic Forests 199 implied HN points 21 Jan 24
  1. When creating images with AI, we are essentially building data visualizations based on training data, and this can lead to reproducing stereotypes found in the training data.
  2. Archives, like Wikimedia Commons, require curation and community engagement to ensure responsible and equitable representation in AI training datasets.
  3. There is a need to recognize the cultural and emotional value of images and data, and to approach AI training data as more than just facts, but as part of a larger social and cultural fabric.
Cybernetic Forests 179 implied HN points 14 Jan 24
  1. SWIM is a piece that visualizes the relationship between archives, memory, and training data. It explores the impact of training AI models on images and the implications for memory and synthetic images.
  2. The artist behind SWIM finds creating pieces as a way to think through ideas that might not work well with words. The process often clarifies thoughts or raises questions that are hard to articulate.
  3. The deduction of memory through photography or AI analysis is highlighted in SWIM, where a swimmer dissolves into training data, shifting the remembrance process to a mechanized model and potentially losing the essence of being remembered.
Cybernetic Forests 179 implied HN points 08 Oct 23
  1. Archives can only preserve what exists, leading to the structured missingness of information when elements are erased or decayed.
  2. In Machine Learning, the concept of 'structured missingness' refers to the impact of absent data on the neural network's connective contours.
  3. Diffusion models accelerate decay and obliterate information in images, creating patterns of missingness that merge the analog with the digital.
Development Hell 375 implied HN points 04 Mar 23
  1. The post 'Rolling Up Characters (2015)' from the archives holds up pretty well and became a teaching tool for the BBC Writers Room.
  2. The content, though from 2015, has aged well, with just a few dated references.
  3. The writer has given a glimpse of their work from the past to showcase the style of 'Development Hell'.