The hottest Art Community Substack posts right now

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The False Consensus Effect 78 implied HN points 25 Sep 23
  1. The author is planning to host Friday exhibitions at their home, showcasing their work and welcoming visitors to enjoy art and music.
  2. They express frustration with societal issues like lack of fresh food and proper shelter, presenting a critical view of American consumerism.
  3. The post delves into personal reflections on art, life, and the desire for a simpler, more meaningful existence.
Do Not Research 39 implied HN points 17 Aug 23
  1. Peer-to-peer networks store data in a decentralized way and allow users to be both clients and servers, promoting equal interaction and file sharing.
  2. Peer-to-peer technology revolutionized digital content exchange, enabling artists to reach wider audiences online without relying on traditional distribution channels.
  3. Peer-to-peer networks have led to both positive impacts like information democratization and negative effects such as copyright infringement, causing shifts in business models.
Do Not Research 0 implied HN points 06 Jun 22
  1. Do Not Research is an online community and publishing platform that launched a new book in 2022.
  2. The book launch event includes a conversation between Joshua Citarella and Lauren Boyle of DIS about translating artist projects to institutional practices.
  3. DIS, an artist collective dating back to 2010, evolved from _DIS Magazine_ to the streaming platform in 2018.
Do Not Research 0 implied HN points 15 Feb 22
  1. The project COLLIDER was produced during an artist residency in Holyoke, Massachusetts, and evolved from a process developed earlier.
  2. Digital spaces like discord, podcasts, and online communities played a crucial role in shaping the artist's practice and providing a supportive community.
  3. The name "COLLIDER" reflects the artist's view of art as a catalyst for bringing people together to generate new ideas and political perspectives.
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Do Not Research 0 implied HN points 08 Oct 21
  1. The DNR project recognizes artists as critical influencers in the online political discourse, aiming to challenge mainstream news cycles and dogmatisms.
  2. The community formed around DNR serves as a peer-to-peer school for artists, exploring political imagination and questioning the current state of the art world.
  3. DNR's research aspect not only informs art practice but also detects emergent trends, highlighting the interplay between aesthetic ideals, politics, and cultural influences.