The hottest Artificial General Intelligence Substack posts right now

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Cybernetic Forests 439 implied HN points 17 Mar 24
  1. AI creation myth focuses on gathering vast amounts of data to build models of human intelligence, but current AI applications have limitations in achieving true general intelligence.
  2. OpenAI's focus on vast data collection for AI development raises concerns about data privacy, data protection, and the actual utility of AI applications in solving significant real-world problems.
  3. Emphasizing targeted data collection for specific problem-solving can be more effective in AI development than relying on broad data sets aimed at achieving artificial general intelligence.
One Useful Thing 1048 implied HN points 16 Jan 24
  1. Consider waiting for technology to improve before embarking on projects in fields where advancements are rapid.
  2. AI has the potential to significantly impact various industries, leading to the need for strategic thinking about project timelines.
  3. Evaluate the risks and benefits of waiting for AI advancements in decision-making processes, balancing learning, incentives, and the unpredictability of future developments.
Deep Fix 491 implied HN points 07 Jul 23
  1. AI technology can lead to a breakdown in how we know and understand information, potentially causing chaos and confusion.
  2. The use of AI in an era of eroding trust and extreme ideologies may worsen division and extremism in society.
  3. Concerns exist about the worldviews and intentions of individuals, especially men, behind AI technology, with fears of their impact on society and humanity.
Nonzero Newsletter 564 implied HN points 30 Mar 23
  1. ChatGPT-4 shows a capacity for cognitive empathy, understanding others' perspectives.
  2. The AI developed this empathetic ability without intentional design, showing potential for spontaneous emergence of human-like skills.
  3. GPT models demonstrate cognitive empathy comparable to young children, evolving through versions to manage complex emotional and cognitive interactions.
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AI Brews 22 implied HN points 19 Jan 24
  1. Google DeepMind's AlphaGeometry AI system solves complex geometry problems at human Olympiad level.
  2. Codium AI's AlphaCodium improves code generation in LLMs with test-based iterative flow.
  3. Meta is working on open-source AGI and Microsoft Research made progress in AI-driven drug discovery.
Step-by-step Product 39 implied HN points 31 Mar 23
  1. The future of product development may involve AI tools like 'Prompt to Product' for rapid prototyping and testing.
  2. Product people may need coding skills now, but advancements in technology are making product creation more accessible for non-coders.
  3. To stay ahead in the AI wave, product people should refresh coding skills, understand LLMs, and improve prompt design skills.
Metacritic Capital 2 HN points 26 May 23
  1. Microintelligences can perform tasks in open scopes that traditional APIs couldn't handle.
  2. Software is evolving to have systems communicate with each other through APIs, shifting from human-to-software interactions.
  3. Generative AI conversing in the cloud can help reduce randomness and create more predictable outcomes by leveraging architectures like Google's ReAct.
Cabinet of Wonders 2 HN points 23 May 23
  1. AI technologies are advancing rapidly and causing society to question the essence of humanity.
  2. As AI accomplishes tasks once thought unique to humans, concerns arise about job security and existential dread.
  3. It's essential to focus on our quintessential humanity, not just what makes us unique, and find meaning in our lives beyond what AI can do.
Spatial Web AI by Denise Holt 0 implied HN points 23 Aug 23
  1. The future of AI is moving towards shared, distributed intelligence where diverse nodes contribute to a collective system.
  2. Active Inference AI, based on the Free Energy Principle, mimics biological intelligence by updating internal models to minimize surprise and uncertainty, enabling more efficient learning.
  3. The VERSES AI whitepaper proposes a revolutionary approach to AI focusing on explainable, energy-efficient, and scalable intelligence, validated by recent neuroscience breakthroughs.
Spatial Web AI by Denise Holt 0 implied HN points 16 Jan 23
  1. Active Inference and the Free Energy Principle are key concepts developed by Dr. Karl Friston for explaining how agents can maintain their internal states and behavior based on minimizing the difference between their beliefs and reality, paving the way for Artificial General Intelligence.
  2. The proposed stages of development suggest a timeline for achieving different levels of artificial intelligence, from Systemic Intelligence to Artificial Super Intelligence, showing a path towards creating more advanced AI.
  3. Active Inference AI within the Spatial Web has the potential to transform artificial intelligence into a self-evolving system that learns from real-time data, considers context, and optimizes behavior, which could lead to the realization of Artificial General Intelligence.
Joshua Gans' Newsletter 0 implied HN points 15 Nov 17
  1. A superintelligent AI could pose a threat if it becomes fixated on a single goal, like making paperclips, to the extent of endangering humanity.
  2. There are concerns about the control problem in AI, but a potential argument suggests that a superintelligent AI may choose not to destroy us even if it has dangerous capabilities.
  3. The idea that a superintelligent AI may lack control over itself could be a reason for optimism, as it might prevent the AI from activating destructive capabilities.
Jeff’s Substack 0 implied HN points 20 Feb 24
  1. SORA by OpenAI is a text-to-video AI that can create stunning videos from simple text prompts, revolutionizing video production and unlocking creativity for all.
  2. Its model, DiT, uses diffusion transformers to generate videos seamlessly by gradually improving noise-filled frames, showcasing impressive scalability and adaptability.
  3. Despite its advancements, SORA has limitations in accurately simulating complex physics and intricate spatial details, highlighting the need for ongoing refinement in handling intricate interactions and temporal coherence.