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Computer Ads from the Past 384 implied HN points 04 Mar 24
  1. Peter Quinn was involved in the design of Apple IIe from the beginning, starting with a plan to enhance the keyboard and provide 80 columns, which led to the idea of expanding the memory to 128K.
  2. The development of Apple IIc was intertwined with the IIe project. The decision to create a more focused product led to the IIc design, which included built-in peripherals like a mouse port and two serial ports.
  3. Design challenges for the compact Apple IIc included managing heat and radiation effectively, with unique solutions like intricate venting schemes and careful layout of components to meet corporate specifications.
HyperMink Newsletter 2 HN points 29 Mar 24
  1. HyperMink System-1 will be shipped with vision-capable models, able to analyze images and generate text based on what it sees.
  2. System-1 will feature complete autonomy and offline functionality, without requiring subscriptions, data uploads, or sharing with third parties.
  3. The system aims to provide straightforward, hassle-free functionality for users without technical expertise, prioritizing privacy with no tracking or reliance on internet connectivity.
Another Boring Article 3 HN points 01 May 23
  1. The Desktop Software Division at IBM struggled due to lack of marketing support and incentive structure for programmers.
  2. Adding Windows compatibility to OS/2 was a strategic mistake that hindered ecosystem growth and benefited Microsoft financially.
  3. IBM's use of the same marketing agency as Microsoft during the OS/2 marketing campaign was an interesting coincidence.
AnyCable Broadcasts 0 implied HN points 05 Jul 22
  1. Solving multi-tenancy in web applications involves carefully managing tenants' requests within the execution context, like web requests or background jobs.
  2. Action Cable uses an event loop and a thread pool executor to handle incoming messages, indicating the importance of understanding the execution context for persistent connections.
  3. Rails 7.1 introduces command callbacks for Connection classes in Action Cable, offering a clear and standardized way to execute code before, after, or around channel commands, resolving issues like multi-tenancy setup in a structured manner.
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