AnyCable Broadcasts

AnyCable Broadcasts explores the integration of real-time functionalities in modern applications, focusing on productivity and scalability. It covers AnyCable's advancements, collaboration with other technologies, optimization strategies, and real-world applications to improve app performance and user experience through efficient use of WebSockets, Server-Sent Events, and related technologies.

Real-time Technologies Software Development Web Application Optimization Scalability and Performance WebSockets and Server-Sent Events Application Case Studies AnyCable Updates and Features Collaborations and Ecosystem Infrastructure and Deployment Action Cable Enhancements

The hottest Substack posts of AnyCable Broadcasts

And their main takeaways
12 HN points 02 Apr 24
  1. AnyCable v1.5 introduces simplified standalone pub/sub mode with whispering feature for non-backend touching broadcasts like typing indicators and cursors
  2. Laravel 11 introduces Reverb, its own official WebSocket server, aiming for high performance as indicated by benchmarks
  3. The AnyCable team's Substack blog 'AnyCable Broadcasts' will be a shared platform for all their real-time content, including articles, case studies, screencasts, and newsletters
59 implied HN points 07 Feb 24
  1. Introducing AnyCable+, a Software-as-a-Service product that simplifies real-time features setup, with the option to run it on premise later.
  2. The Action Cable adapterization initiative aims to enhance the capabilities of Action Cable and open up new possibilities.
  3. Channels in Action Cable offer benefits like organizing communication logic, simplifying stream authorization, and enabling RPC capabilities.
19 implied HN points 02 Jan 24
  1. Exciting real-time development initiatives are coming in 2024, like AnyCable+ and Laravel Reverb.
  2. Action Cable server adapterization project aims to improve Rails Action Cable for easier use with different server implementations.
  3. Potential real-time component upgrade in Laravel with 'Laravel Reverb' and mysterious project 'SolidCable' from DHH.
59 implied HN points 08 Sep 23
  1. AnyCable now supports Server-Sent Events (SSE), allowing easy connection for updates without client libraries
  2. Consider the memory and server load implications when managing subscriptions and streams in Action Cable or AnyCable
  3. Creating multiple subscriptions at once can lead to server overload, especially during high traffic situations like server restarts
39 implied HN points 06 May 23
  1. AnyCable v1.4 release candidate is out with consistency features - try it for real-time applications improvement.
  2. Consider the use of Server-Sent Events (SSE) for live updates in web applications as an alternative to WebSockets due to benefits like simplicity of implementation.
  3. Browser support for SSE has improved, making it a viable tool for streaming responses from a server to a client.
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39 implied HN points 03 Feb 23
  1. Stimulus Reflex team commits to collaborating with Rails and Hotwire to enhance the ecosystem and bring better tools for developers.
  2. Turbo Boost libraries by Nate Hopkins aim to supercharge web applications development with Turbo by introducing commands, streams, and reusable behaviors.
  3. The use of gRPC technology in AnyCable, powered by technology like grpc_kit and griffin, provides a promising alternative to the traditional gRPC implementation in Ruby.
19 implied HN points 08 Jul 23
  1. AnyCable v1.4 introduces reliable streams and HTTP over RPC, catering to different user preferences and needs like working behind firewalls or proxies.
  2. The evolution of real-time web transport mechanisms includes Server-Sent Events (SSE) for simplicity and reliability, as well as WebSockets overcoming initial challenges to become a top technology.
  3. The emerging WebTransport protocol, built on HTTP/3, may shape the future of bi-directional communication, potentially impacting the usage of WebSockets.
19 implied HN points 09 Jun 23
  1. AnyCable v1.4 release candidate brings new Redis Streams-based broadcasting adapter and order guarantees for broadcasted messages.
  2. Podcast discusses Rails additions related to Action Cable and the development of improvements for AnyCable v1.4.
  3. Introduction of new tools like Polyphony 1.0.0 library for building concurrent Ruby applications and Mayu framework for server-side rendered web apps with live streaming capabilities.
19 implied HN points 07 Apr 23
  1. AnyCable connects Twilio streams with Hanami, utilizing features like Phlex, Vite, and CableReady.
  2. Exploring the potential of serverless WebSockets reveals challenges in handling long-lived, stateful connections in a serverless environment.
  3. Implementing pub/sub components for serverless WebSockets requires extra consideration for optimizing resources and scalability.
19 implied HN points 03 Mar 23
  1. AnyCable development is active - version 1.3.0 released with new features like embedded NATS and StastD support.
  2. RubyConf Australia videos are available, including talks on Asynchronous Rails and building Stream Processing Applications with Ruby & Meroxa.
  3. Real-time applications go beyond human users - examples include integrating phone calls into web apps and controlling EV chargers with WebSockets using protocols like OCPP.
19 implied HN points 05 Aug 22
  1. The first issue of Any Cables Monthly covers news from the AnyCable ecosystem and real-time projects since the beginning of summer 2022.
  2. The issue includes highlights such as celebrations of AnyCable Pro's first anniversary and insights from RailsConf 2022 videos.
  3. Articles and releases featured in the newsletter discuss topics like scaling Rails web sockets, introducing Action Cable command callbacks, and new versions of various tools like AnyCable Client and Turbo.
0 implied HN points 09 Jun 23
  1. Poll Everywhere needed a fast and reliable solution for real-time chart visualizations to engage live audiences effectively during presentations and events.
  2. They switched to AnyCable Pro for faster processing of votes and feedback, improving scalability and reducing latency, especially essential as the user base grew.
  3. Migrating to AnyCable brought better performance, more predictable latency, and eliminated the need for EventMachine, making it a smoother solution for their real-time visualization infrastructure.
0 implied HN points 21 Mar 23
  1. WebSockets are still popular and widely supported, making them essential for real-time communication between servers.
  2. Building WebSocket-driven web applications is straightforward with major web frameworks, but server-to-server connections can be more complex and require custom solutions.
  3. Using AnyCable can simplify the integration of WebSocket services, allowing for custom protocols, sophisticated data processing, and serving as a bridge between servers.
0 implied HN points 01 Mar 23
  1. The project successfully migrated a critical GPS tracking service from Elixir to AnyCable, enabling real-time features and smoother maintenance.
  2. The team optimized the infrastructure using AWS ECS, Fargate, and CloudFormation, delivering improvements in performance, scalability, and resource management.
  3. AnyCable deployment was streamlined within the project's infrastructure, bringing in monitoring features and helping speed up the CI/CD pipeline.
0 implied HN points 04 Oct 22
  1. Expect exciting content from upcoming Ruby conferences like RubyKaigi and RailsSaaS. Keep an eye out for updates!
  2. Don't miss out on Hacktoberfest 2022 as a chance to contribute to open source projects. AnyCable projects have the '#hacktoberfest' tag.
  3. Reduce server-side costs by exploring ways to handle browser tabs, like using a Shared Worker or localStorage as a message bus. Stay updated for future technologies like the Web Locks API.
0 implied HN points 02 Sep 22
  1. AnyCable introduced support for NATS pub/sub, a major feature in August.
  2. A new project called LiveView Native was revealed at ElixirConf, enabling control of native mobile views via Phoenix LiveView components.
  3. Different releases like AnyCable Pro 1.2.1, turbo_ready 0.0.x, and ACLI 0.4.1 improved features like GraphQL support and multiple isolated Action Cable servers in a Rails app.
0 implied HN points 05 Jul 22
  1. Solving multi-tenancy in web applications involves carefully managing tenants' requests within the execution context, like web requests or background jobs.
  2. Action Cable uses an event loop and a thread pool executor to handle incoming messages, indicating the importance of understanding the execution context for persistent connections.
  3. Rails 7.1 introduces command callbacks for Connection classes in Action Cable, offering a clear and standardized way to execute code before, after, or around channel commands, resolving issues like multi-tenancy setup in a structured manner.
0 implied HN points 05 Apr 22
  1. The post discusses working on a direct messaging feature, including adding channel memberships, 'Current' attributes, and Turbo Streams.
  2. Various links to resources like activerecord-postgres_enum, .create_or_find_by, and Nomnoml are shared within the post.
  3. The content also mentions utilizing Turbo Streams and Current Attributes in the context of developing messaging functionalities.
0 implied HN points 16 Feb 22
  1. The post discusses the preliminary work for adding a direct messaging feature, such as setting up user profiles and authentication via Rails `has_secure_password`.
  2. Links to resources like Rails `has_secure_password` documentation, Turbo Frames, and Stimulus JS are provided for further learning.
  3. The use of Turbo Frames and Stimulus JS for managing state and persisting elements across page loads is highlighted.
0 implied HN points 25 Jan 22
  1. Migrating from standard Action Cable to AnyCable Pro helped Vito quickly solve scaling problems and host major events like the Nuxt Nation conference.
  2. Preparing for large events involved basic performance optimizations, load-testing, and bug fixing with the help of Evil Martians.
  3. AnyCable Pro powers Vito's notifications, live-updating features, and WebSocket-based live chat, allowing for successful hosting of high-profile events like ReactJS Girls, Beyond Tellerrand, and Buildkite's Unblock Conf.
0 implied HN points 05 Dec 23
  1. Action Cable features are actively being developed, expect more updates in 2024 like Async server implementation support.
  2. Stay updated with new web technologies like WebCodecs and WebTransport for advancements in real-time applications.
  3. Try out Turbo 8 beta and its companion update turbo-rails 2.0.0-beta.1 for page refreshes support in Rails.
0 implied HN points 11 Oct 23
  1. The RailsWorld conference in Amsterdam discussed Ruby on Rails and Hotwire's future, showcasing talks on Rails Action Cable and making Rails full-stack applications
  2. Practical advice was shared on making profit from open-source projects, featuring examples from commercial open-source endeavors like AnyCable
  3. Noteworthy updates like the Turbo 8 'refresh' action for live updates and new releases like the Hotwire Cookbook for building reactive Rails applications were highlighted
0 implied HN points 02 Dec 22
  1. Action Cable in Rails 7.1 can now gracefully handle Redis connection disruption, useful for applications on platforms like
  2. Stimulus v3.2.0 brings hotkeys support for actions and an Outlets API for building atomic controllers.
  3. Consider optimizing HTML payloads over WebSockets through compression methods like permessage-deflate, balancing resource usage.
0 implied HN points 06 Sep 22
  1. The benchmark results showed that AnyCable (RPC-less) handled 2700 concurrent connections, consuming only half of the available RAM (~120MB).
  2. deployment guide for AnyCable and Real-time stress: AnyCable, k6, WebSockets, and Yabeda are helpful resources for developers.
  3. Issues like getting an app's Ruby version from the Gemfile have been fixed in recent 'flyctl' versions, and termination of Redis connections is intentional according to Fly docs.
0 implied HN points 03 Aug 21
  1. Callbell reduced the number of dyno instances needed on Heroku by half when they switched to AnyCable Pro.
  2. AnyCable Pro provides support for binary communication protocols, beneficial for features in binary formats, which is a key advantage for the Callbell team.
  3. Any Rails app needing real-time WebSocket updates, like messaging or customer support tools, can benefit from AnyCable's scalability while remaining in a familiar environment.
0 implied HN points 19 Jul 22
  1. The episode discusses making Turbo Streams reliable and switching from 'at-most once' to 'exactly-once' delivery guarantees
  2. The importance of consistency in real-time applications and the pitfalls to avoid are highlighted
  3. A preview of an upcoming AnyCable feature on 'streams history support' is provided at the end of the episode
0 implied HN points 29 Sep 21
  1. AnyCable v1.2 introduces JWT identification and 'hot streams' for powering up efficient Hotwire frontends by moving functions from Ruby to Go.
  2. JWT identification standardizes authentication for WebSockets, protects from cross-site WebSocket hijacking, and boosts performance by removing the need for RPC calls.
  3. Combining JWT identification with signed streams in AnyCable allows the creation of subscriptions without touching RPC, offering improved efficiency for Hotwire and CableReady functionality.
0 implied HN points 23 Dec 21
  1. The post explores building a new Rails 7 application with features like `--css=tailwind`, Turbo Frames and Streams, and configuring AnyCable with JWT authentication and speedy streams.
  2. The screencast series 'AnyCasts' covers real-time web app development using Ruby and other languages, alongside Hotwire and Stimulus Reflex.
  3. Resources include the Rails 7 release announcement, Turbo Frames documentation, AnyCable blog, and plugins like AnyCable Rails JWT for JWT identification in AnyCable.
0 implied HN points 29 Jun 22
  1. Healthie successfully migrated from Action Cable to AnyCable Pro to improve real-time chat functionality, benefiting from dual broadcast strategy support.
  2. Usage of AnyCable Pro bypassed starting with the open-source version, showcasing its benefits immediately for Healthie's infrastructure.
  3. Healthie's critical chat system now heavily relies on AnyCable for 1-1 and group chats between healthcare professionals and clients, available on web and mobile platforms.
0 implied HN points 16 Jun 21
  1. AnyCable Pro version brings benefits like reduced memory footprint by 40%, saved bandwidth costs, and priority support while still in beta
  2. Adding commercial features on top of AnyCable's existing codebase helps users handle high loads more effectively
  3. AnyCable Pro offers improvements in memory usage efficiency, support for binary protocols like Msgpack and Protocol Buffers, and effortless GraphQL compatibility
0 implied HN points 07 Nov 23
  1. Updates for newsletters are now scheduled for the first Tuesday of every month instead of Friday to better align with reader expectations and schedules.
  2. A new initiative has been announced to bring reliable and scalable real-time features to serverless JavaScript applications using AnyCable, Next.js, Vercel, and
  3. Consider the potential for caching at the WebSocket level to improve performance and efficiency in handling live updates within small-to-medium web applications.