Deus In Machina

Deus In Machina delves into artificial intelligence, programming paradigms, technology's societal impacts, and historical overviews of programming languages and software development. It explores learning techniques, debates AI ethics, and provides practical programming guides and tutorials, alongside reflections on computing history and the evolution of gaming.

Artificial Intelligence Programming Languages Technology and Society Software Development Learning Techniques Ethics in Technology Programming Tutorials Computing History Gaming

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72 implied HN points 07 Mar 24
  1. The push towards memory-safe languages like C++ over C is gaining attention due to concerns about software security, especially in critical systems like government infrastructure and services.
  2. C's simplicity and widespread usage make it a common choice for interlanguage bindings, but its simplicity can also lead to challenges in areas like memory management and handling large projects.
  3. While C has a rich history and legacy, there is growing discussion about the potential for newer languages like Zig to eventually replace C in its core functionalities, driven by advancements in the programming landscape.
108 implied HN points 15 Feb 24
  1. The tutorial provides a cheat sheet for essential SDL functions like initializing, creating a window, rendering, and cleaning up.
  2. The tutorial gives practical code examples for opening a window in SDL2, emphasizing error handling for function calls.
  3. It emphasizes the importance of clearing the screen with a color to prevent interference between frames and discusses the choice between SDL and Raylib for game development.
217 implied HN points 04 Jan 24
  1. The history of C compilers dates back to the early 1970s with the creation of the first C compiler for Unix.
  2. Early C compilers like the PDP C Compiler and the Portable C Compiler laid the foundation for modern C programming.
  3. The development of standards like C89 brought uniformity and clarity to the C language, leading to the evolution of modern compilers like GCC and LLVM.
36 implied HN points 29 Feb 24
  1. Older Raspberry Pi models like the Zero W can still be utilized for GUI experiments, despite limitations in processing power and memory.
  2. Different GUI libraries have varying performance on the Raspberry Pi Zero, with FLTK demonstrating impressive speed compared to others like GTK and Qt.
  3. Tkinter in Python and Tcl with Tk provide viable options for GUI development on the Raspberry Pi Zero, offering acceptable performance levels.
36 implied HN points 22 Feb 24
  1. To display text in SDL2, you need to include SDL_ttf.h and work with functions like TTF_Init, TTF_OpenFont, TTF_RenderText_Solid, and SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface.
  2. When using SDL2, surfaces are CPU-based bitmaps ideal for pixel manipulation, while textures are GPU-based and essential for efficient rendering.
  3. SDL2 can render using either SDL_Surface or SDL_Texture, with SDL_Surface being software rendering done entirely by the CPU, bypassing the GPU.
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72 implied HN points 11 Jan 24
  1. The compilation process in C involves preprocessing, compilation to assembly, assembly into an object file, and linking for the final executable.
  2. Each step in the compilation process serves a critical role in converting high-level C code to machine-executable instructions.
  3. Understanding the compilation process helps programmers appreciate the intricate steps involved in turning source code into functioning programs.
72 implied HN points 28 Dec 23
  1. Valve's Source Engine evolved from a modified Quake engine to the renowned Source engine, powering successful games like Half-Life and Team Fortress.
  2. Valve introduced the GoldSrc and Source engines to separate stable and developmental codebases, enabling continued development without affecting existing games.
  3. The Source engine underwent major updates over the years, leading to the Orange Box update with significant graphical enhancements, and eventually paving the way for the development of Source 2.
326 implied HN points 29 Jun 23
  1. Racket is an advanced modern Lisp with a wide range of features and tools for developers in 2023.
  2. Racket is especially great for beginners, young programmers, and academics due to its simplicity, built-in IDE, and gradual learning curve.
  3. Racket's unique language building capabilities allow for creating domain-specific languages, documentation languages, and more, making it a versatile and powerful tool for programmers.
36 implied HN points 01 Feb 24
  1. Compiling the Linux DOOM source code requires setting up the source code from the id-software repository and navigating through different build methods like Make and CMake.
  2. Encountering and solving errors in the compilation process involves making adjustments to data types, structure pointers, and handling variables like errno to ensure successful building of the DOOM executable.
  3. To address color depth issues and display errors while running the DOOM game on modern systems, utilizing tools like Xephyr, setting specific environmental variables, and modifying code sections related to color maps and display resolutions becomes critical.
145 implied HN points 11 May 23
  1. Bitwise operators manipulate binary data without the need for math, making them powerful tools in programming.
  2. Understanding binary representation is crucial in computer programming, allowing for efficient manipulation of data.
  3. Bitwise operators like AND, OR, XOR, and shift operations are essential in tasks like setting specific bits, masking off bits, or shifting binary numbers.
36 implied HN points 16 Nov 23
  1. Pascal programs have a structured format with specific sections for constants, types, and variables.
  2. Free Pascal supports multiple dialects which can be specified using mode directives like OBJFPC and DELPHI.
  3. In Pascal, functions and procedures are declared with keywords like constructor, function, and procedure, and variables are prefixed with T and F.
36 implied HN points 26 Oct 23
  1. Pascal language was designed with a focus on clean and readable code, making it ideal for teaching programming.
  2. Turbo Pascal revolutionized programming by combining editing, compiling, and linking steps in one integrated environment.
  3. The decline of Pascal was due to factors like its focus on teaching, rapid advancements in computing technology, and the popularity of Unix and C programming language.
72 implied HN points 13 Jul 23
  1. Learning to use an ergonomic keyboard like Kinesis Advantage 360 can help reduce wrist and nerve pain from excessive keyboard use.
  2. Practicing touch typing on websites like can help improve typing speed and accuracy, even with a new keyboard layout.
  3. Adjusting to an ergonomic keyboard for activities like gaming and programming may require remapping keys, creating profiles, and adapting to a new learning curve.
72 implied HN points 02 Mar 23
  1. Simula was a significant influence on the design of languages like C++ and Java, showcasing Object-Oriented Programming concepts.
  2. Finding an implementation for Simula, like Portable Simula, can be a bit challenging but rewarding.
  3. Simula uses unique syntax like keyword-based blocks, explicit statement endings with semicolons, and different assignment operators for text variables.
72 implied HN points 09 Feb 23
  1. AI has the potential for profound impacts on human life.
  2. There are concerns about job displacement due to AI advancements.
  3. Military applications of AI are raising concerns about the ease of transferring civilian AI technology to warfare.
36 implied HN points 22 Jun 23
  1. The docx file format is essentially a collection of XML files that define different parts of a document.
  2. The XML-based file formats like docx and odt offer advantages in terms of resilience against file corruption by using multiple files.
  3. Understanding the structure of XML files and how they encode data allows for flexibility and customization in word processing and office suite applications.
36 implied HN points 23 Mar 23
  1. Memory management in non-garbage collected languages involves handling memory addresses, reserving memory, and manipulating memory locations.
  2. Pointers are crucial in memory management as they store memory addresses to access specific locations and values in memory.
  3. Understanding the concepts of stack, heap, malloc, realloc, and free in C helps in efficient memory management and avoiding common memory-related bugs.
36 implied HN points 27 Apr 23
  1. Crystal programming language aims to be a 'batteries included language' with a rich standard library that mimics Ruby behavior.
  2. Crystal has good cross-platform support, with macOS and Linux well-supported and Windows improving.
  3. Crystal makes documentation and testing easy, using markdown for comments and providing a built-in testing framework.
0 implied HN points 08 Feb 24
  1. Handheld gaming has been continuously growing in popularity over the years.
  2. Nintendo has been a key player in keeping the handheld gaming industry alive with a history of successful handheld consoles.
  3. Modern handheld devices offer impressive gaming experiences with advancements in technology, bringing more excitement to the gaming community.
0 implied HN points 14 Mar 24
  1. The DOIT philosophy involves Overcoming, Iterating, and Triumphing to combat Decision Fatigue and the Paralysis of Choice. By simplifying goals and focusing on simplicity, project completion can be more effective.
  2. Decision Fatigue refers to deteriorating decision quality after prolonged decision-making sessions, leading to reduced self-control and avoidance of decisions.
  3. Paralysis of Choice occurs when faced with too many options, causing feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, and potential regret over chosen alternatives, leading to satisfaction issues.
0 implied HN points 17 Oct 22
  1. The author is a data scientist without a computer science degree, documenting their journey of learning about programming and topics like Webassembly and Machine Learning.
  2. The blog welcomes readers interested in Webassembly, Pharo, Emulation, and Machine learning.
  3. Readers are encouraged to subscribe to the blog for updates and share the posts.
0 implied HN points 02 Nov 23
  1. Understand and work around your energy peaks and dips throughout the day to maximize productivity.
  2. Implement strategies to manage distractions, such as setting up phone holders and blocking access to tempting websites.
  3. Setting daily goals, being present in your tasks, and balancing work with enjoyable activities are crucial for maintaining focus and productivity.
0 implied HN points 07 Dec 23
  1. Open source projects often struggle to secure funding through traditional methods like crowdfunding, facing challenges to sustain their development and maintainer salaries.
  2. The use of open source software is widespread across various industries, with many code bases being primarily composed of open source libraries.
  3. Developers have access to a wealth of high-quality open source tools and libraries for free, but the sustainability of open source projects and the well-being of maintainers are ongoing concerns.
0 implied HN points 09 Nov 23
  1. Inaugural OpenAI DevDay featured new product announcements and successful integrations with companies like Amgen and Lowe's
  2. Over 92% of Fortune 500 companies are utilizing OpenAI products for building, showcasing corporate interest in innovative technologies
  3. Introduction of GPT-4 Turbo model highlighted improvements in context length, control, knowledge, customizations, and competitive pricing
0 implied HN points 07 Sep 23
  1. Some users expect too much from Large Language Models without putting in additional effort or guidance.
  2. Language models like ChatGPT should be viewed as tools that require ongoing optimization and understanding.
  3. There are various alternatives to ChatGPT, and users should explore and compare different Large Language Models to find the best fit for their needs.