The hottest JavaScript Substack posts right now

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Web Dev Explorer 3 HN points 28 Apr 24
  1. Node.js has started to support ECMAScript Modules (ESM) natively with version 22, making it easier to use modern JavaScript modules alongside CommonJS (CJS) modules.
  2. ESM allows for synchronous and asynchronous loading, but Node.js' support for it is currently experimental and comes with limitations like not supporting top-level 'await'.
  3. The addition of synchronous loading for ESM in Node.js simplifies interoperability between ESM and CJS, easing the transition to ESM and potentially reducing module size in projects.
On Engineering 44 implied HN points 22 Apr 23
  1. Core-JS is a crucial JavaScript library with significant dependencies in the open-source community and popular software.
  2. The project faced financial difficulties due to the sole maintainer's plea for support and threats to its future.
  3. There are concerns about the security and continuity of Core-JS, emphasizing the need for community involvement, financial support, and alternative solutions.
Mark Smith’s Newsletter 19 implied HN points 15 Apr 23
  1. The author faced challenges with their internet connection being throttled, making it difficult to download podcasts.
  2. Despite internet issues, the author highlighted three interesting podcasts with varying topics and styles.
  3. The variety in podcast content and styles adds to the appeal of listening to podcasts.
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Iceberg 0 implied HN points 03 Oct 23
  1. Choosing JavaScript for backend development can come with a high maintenance cost due to its npm ecosystem having a lot of dependencies.
  2. JavaScript projects in npm tend to have 10x more dependencies compared to projects in other ecosystems, leading to frequent updates, breaking changes, and security patches.
  3. Despite the benefits of a vibrant ecosystem, it's important to consider the trade-offs and evaluate tech choices based on factors like maintenance costs when comparing to alternatives like Python and Golang.
Web Dev Explorer 0 implied HN points 28 Apr 24
  1. React 19 Beta introduces simpler state management, error handling, and async operations in React applications.
  2. JavaScript's Set gaining new methods could enhance data operations, with new methods like intersection, union, and difference among others.
  3. pnpm version 9.0.0 brings improvements like Corepack compatibility, configuration updates, and better dependency resolution.
Full Context Development 0 implied HN points 29 Apr 23
  1. Crafting a well-crafted website can tremendously impact customer experience and increase revenue for the organization.
  2. Using web workers can make applications more responsive, improve loading speed, and enhance customer experience.
  3. Understanding JavaScript's event loop tools can increase productivity and improve customer experience in web projects.
Once a Maintainer 0 implied HN points 23 May 23
  1. Marco Roth got into programming by building a class website with JavaScript and HTML in high school.
  2. He contributed to the Stimulus project after finding it a better approach than using jQuery in a Rails application.
  3. Encouraging more people to contribute to open source by understanding projects they use and companies supporting open source contributions.
Deus In Machina 0 implied HN points 19 Oct 23
  1. WebAssembly is primarily designed as a compilation target for languages like C, C++, and Rust.
  2. WebAssembly files consist of sections like modules with code, and data sections for storing strings or variables.
  3. To interact with WebAssembly modules, JavaScript can import functions and memories from the module to perform tasks like logging messages or manipulating data.