The hottest Conservative movement Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top World Politics Topics
Erick Erickson's Confessions of a Political Junkie β€’ 4697 implied HN points β€’ 11 Oct 23
  1. Progressives in the media and certain groups are supporting Hamas and questioning Israel during recent events.
  2. Conservative figures, like Candace Owens and Andrew Tate, have been quiet or even supportive of Hamas, showing concerning views.
  3. It's important for the conservative movement to address and distance itself from individuals who cannot defend Israel or condemn Hamas.
Tracing Woodgrains β€’ 2673 implied HN points β€’ 01 Dec 23
  1. Republicans are losing capacity to run institutions beyond elections due to age and education polarization
  2. The political divide among young, educated professionals is shifting towards liberals and socialists rather than Republicans and Democrats
  3. Republicans lack talent in governance compared to Democrats, even in the conservative intellectual sphere
Can We Still Govern? β€’ 124 implied HN points β€’ 06 Mar 24
  1. The GOP's governing philosophy outlined in 'Mandate for Leadership' leans towards authoritarianism and challenges traditional democratic norms.
  2. The document highlights a disdain for science and evidence, advocating for the dismissal of agencies producing research on climate change.
  3. There is a push in 'Mandate for Leadership' to purge ideologically suspect individuals, including enforcing terminations for past participation in diversity, equity, and inclusion programs.
Becoming Noble β€’ 239 implied HN points β€’ 31 Jan 23
  1. Yarvin discusses the concept of 'hobbits' and 'dark elves' as classes on the right, highlighting the importance of elites in shaping political realities.
  2. Yarvin points out the dispersion of power in non-democratic institutions like the media and academia, leading to a progressive political consensus that resists change.
  3. The essay suggests the need to elevate 'hobbits' to 'dark elves' status to create a new elite capable of challenging the current power structures and instigating change.
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