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DevCube 2 HN points 26 Feb 23
  1. When working with microservices and Kubernetes, it's important to remember basic tasks like troubleshooting Pod startup and accessing logs.
  2. Don't solely rely on different tools for Kubernetes tasks, remember the fundamental basics.
  3. Appreciate foundational explanations like Liz Rice's video on containers, even if they are older, for understanding container technology.
Microfrontends, Architecture and Trade-offs 0 implied HN points 03 Jan 24
  1. When using modern frameworks like NextJS or Remix, running on serverless infrastructure is common and efficient.
  2. Deploying a NextJS app on Vercel leverages serverless/edge functions, leading to better scaling without nodejs event loop limitations.
  3. For more control and customization, consider options like deploying NextJS in a containerized, auto-scalable environment or creating a custom framework using vite-plugin-ssr.
Bytewax 0 implied HN points 19 Oct 23
  1. Bytewax framework strikes a balance between being user-friendly without hiding underlying mechanisms.
  2. When writing custom connectors with Bytewax, focus on transforming messages in the `next_batch` method and delegate other processing to the dataflow.
  3. Consider the partitioned nature of inputs and utilize `list_parts` and `build_part` methods for handling multiple data streams in Bytewax.
Certo Modo 0 implied HN points 14 Nov 23
  1. Each pipeline step in DroneCI can use different container images, allowing for versatile tasks like testing across multiple platforms.
  2. Base64 encoding secrets in DroneCI is a useful technique for securely handling sensitive information like SSH keys.
  3. Monitoring DroneCI pipelines can be enhanced by utilizing Prometheus to track status, duration, and using a Push Gateway to export build metrics.