The hottest Dependencies Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Technology Topics’s Newsletter 117 implied HN points 05 May 23
  1. The latest version of AUTOMATIC1111 includes torch 2.0.0 and ControlNet 1.1, showing the repo is active and relevant
  2. You can choose between using a prebuilt FollowFox.AI WSL distribution for an easy setup or manually installing on WSL2 with steps like setting up CUDA and Conda
  3. Installing ControlNet 1.1 is essential for new features and options, requiring downloading and installing the .pth files for use in the updated Auto1111
Technology Made Simple 79 implied HN points 30 May 23
  1. Software dependencies are crucial relationships where one component relies on another for proper functioning, like an application using a library to interact with a database.
  2. Before choosing dependencies, it's important to read the documentation, inspect the code, evaluate project activity, and analyze project stats.
  3. Selecting dependencies is not a one-time decision; it's an ongoing assessment of costs and benefits, necessary for efficient software development.
Software Design: Tidy First? 1 HN point 20 Feb 23
  1. Extreme Programming focuses on reducing irreversibility and promoting reversibility in projects.
  2. Scaling Extreme Programming to large organizations requires addressing inter-connections between teams and dependencies.
  3. To manage dependencies in organizations, consider strategies like awareness, team improvement, slack, waiting, prioritizing, and self-service.
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The API Changelog 0 implied HN points 15 Mar 24
  1. Breaking changes in APIs can cause a mismatch between what the API does and what the documentation says. Updating documentation with new restrictions is complex and involves updating various elements like how-tos, tutorials, and code samples.
  2. When capabilities are removed from an API, corresponding parts of the documentation become outdated. It's crucial to update documentation to reflect what capabilities are no longer available, instead of leaving users confused with dead-end links.
  3. Maintaining a list of documentation dependencies for each API operation can help keep documentation aligned with changes introduced in the API. This method ensures that all relevant parts of the documentation are reviewed and updated when necessary.
Become a Senior Engineer 0 implied HN points 07 Mar 24
  1. Improve communication on Slack by using channels, threads, private channels, and useful integrations to keep discussions organized and effective.
  2. Minimize distractions on Slack by adjusting notifications, turning on Do Not Disturb mode, and unsubscribing from noisy threads to focus on your work.
  3. Automating dependency updates can save time, reduce security risks, and improve efficiency for engineers by automating the process of tracking and updating project dependencies.