The hottest Editorial Substack posts right now

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Today's Edition Newsletter β€’ 9276 implied HN points β€’ 08 Jan 24
  1. The vile and alarming behavior of Trump during his recent speeches will push away potential supporters, highlighting the importance of upholding democracy.
  2. The NYTimes Editorial Board warns against a second term of a Trump presidency, emphasizing the dangers Trump poses to the country.
  3. Remember that the anti-Trump majority in America is strong, and it's essential to act based on this fact to work towards a better future.
Vittles β€’ 202 implied HN points β€’ 11 Mar 24
  1. Vittles has launched a new website with sections like Features, Restaurants, Recipes, Columns, and Projects, offering a diverse range of food and culture content.
  2. Vittles is changing their pitching process to allow for more freedom in article submissions, encouraging writers to pitch ideas related to food with no restrictions on content.
  3. Vittles is expanding their team with new personnel and editors, aiming to sustainably grow the online magazine with reader contributions.
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Journo Resources - The Opportunities β€’ 117 implied HN points β€’ 21 Feb 23
  1. Various job opportunities in journalism are available at companies like Cycling Electric, Full Fact,, and BBC Sport.
  2. Applications for different roles, such as news reporter, features writer, and editorial assistant, are open with varying salaries and responsibilities.
  3. Events, training programs, and grants for aspiring journalists and freelancers are also highlighted for further opportunities.