The hottest Crime Trends Substack posts right now

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Comment is Freed β€’ 100 implied HN points β€’ 10 Aug 23
  1. Different narratives about crime can both be true and indicate complex issues in the criminal justice system.
  2. The increase in average prison sentence length contributes to prison overcrowding despite fewer people being charged with crimes.
  3. Austerity measures have disproportionately affected vulnerable services, creating a ripple effect of challenges across public services.
Jeff-alytics β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 27 Jun 23
  1. Traffic stops in New Orleans dropped significantly after the 2019 cyber attack due to various factors like COVID shutdown and police attrition.
  2. Improved medical care at University Medical Center in New Orleans may have impacted the fatality rate of shooting incidents.
  3. Data on juvenile crime, especially in vehicle-based crimes, is challenging to measure accurately due to reliance on arrests.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 14 Nov 19
  1. Frequent occurrence: This shooting is 70th gun-related incident at a K-12 school this year and the 5th 'active shooter' incident of 2019.
  2. Quick response: Police, Fire, and EMS arrived at the scene within 2 minutes of the shooting, demonstrating effective emergency response.
  3. Security challenges: School campus layout affects lockdown procedures; the shooter being a student poses security challenges due to their familiarity with the campus.
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