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Striking 13 β€’ 2715 implied HN points β€’ 05 Dec 23
  1. The UK government has made it extremely difficult for British citizens to live with their foreign partners due to high income requirements, impacting families severely.
  2. The increased income threshold to Β£38,700 is unattainable for many British citizens, creating unnecessary barriers to bring foreign partners and children to the UK.
  3. The income requirement for spousal visas forces individuals to choose between their country and their family, causing isolation, loneliness, and hardships for couples and children.
Wood From Eden β€’ 480 implied HN points β€’ 17 Dec 23
  1. Dutch elm disease has devastated elm tree populations worldwide due to a unique destructive fungal infection.
  2. The industrial revolution has facilitated the spread of tree pathogens globally through transportation networks.
  3. Efforts such as vaccination and selective breeding show promise in combating tree diseases, highlighting the importance of human intervention in preserving tree species.
Field Guide to the Anthropocene β€’ 176 implied HN points β€’ 04 Aug 23
  1. A small lake in Ontario has been chosen to represent the Anthropocene epoch in Earth's history due to human activity.
  2. Humans have significantly transformed Earth's systems, leading to a new epoch where human history is now Earth's history.
  3. Geologists have selected Crawford Lake in Ontario as a witness and representative site for the Anthropocene, with its layers of sediment telling the story of human impact.
Douglass’s Newsletter β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 28 May 23
  1. Technology can sometimes prioritize efficiency over human well-being.
  2. Garbage trucks have evolved to be operated by only one person, eliminating the camaraderie and interaction that used to exist among the crew.
  3. The shift towards automation in garbage trucks highlights the lack of human connection and accountability in certain technological advancements.
storyvoyager β€’ 18 implied HN points β€’ 17 Sep 23
  1. Europe experienced extreme cold events during the Little Ice Age, impacting daily life and causing food shortages.
  2. The Little Ice Age was a period of global cooling from 1250 to 1860, with significant impacts on Europe.
  3. The Great Dying in the Americas led to a decline in native populations, contributing to global climate change and the onset of the Little Ice Age.
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