The hottest Natural Disasters Substack posts right now

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Top Climate & Environment Topics
The Crucial Years β€’ 1544 implied HN points β€’ 28 Feb 24
  1. The changing climate is causing dramatic and extreme changes around the planet, with record-breaking temperatures and reduced snow coverage indicating the ongoing warming of the Earth.
  2. The diminishing cold air supply in the Arctic is a clear sign of the planet's warming climate, leading to changes in weather patterns and ecological impacts like ice melting and more extreme weather events.
  3. The impact of the climate crisis goes beyond physical consequences, affecting the psychological and emotional connection to the changing seasons and nature, emphasizing the importance of fighting to save the beauty and meaning of the natural world.
The Crucial Years β€’ 1295 implied HN points β€’ 24 Oct 23
  1. False information spreads quickly, like rumors about electric vehicle fires, aided by social media and anti-environmental amplifiers.
  2. Compared to fossil fuel vehicles, electric vehicles are significantly less likely to catch on fire.
  3. It's important to consider the larger picture and relative impacts when evaluating new technologies or risks, like the benefits of windmills in reducing fossil fuel use.
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The Crucial Years β€’ 1574 implied HN points β€’ 08 Sep 23
  1. The video illustrates the impact of climate change through unprecedented floods in Greece.
  2. The urgency to take action against climate change is emphasized, as we witness extreme weather events becoming more common.
  3. Global efforts to meet climate targets, such as the Paris Agreement, are falling short and require more substantial commitments.
The Crucial Years β€’ 1375 implied HN points β€’ 25 Sep 23
  1. The fossil fuel industry is pushing to export large amounts of fossil gas to preserve their profits, even though renewable energy sources are cheaper and cleaner.
  2. The rapid expansion of LNG export terminals could cause American greenhouse gas emissions to remain stagnant since 2005, impacting global warming.
  3. It is crucial to stop the continued expansion of LNG build-out to accelerate the transition to clean and renewable energy sources worldwide.
The Crucial Years β€’ 1773 implied HN points β€’ 24 Jul 23
  1. Conspiracy theories distract from what's happening in plain sight, like Blackrock appointing the CEO of a major oil company to its board.
  2. Financial institutions are backtracking on their commitments to decarbonize portfolios, favoring profits over addressing the climate crisis.
  3. Leaders like Brad Lander are taking a stand against financial ties to the fossil fuel industry, recognizing the need for real accountability and action.
eugyppius: a plague chronicle β€’ 183 implied HN points β€’ 10 Jan 24
  1. The belief in a permanent drought due to climate change led German dam operators to overfill reservoirs before winter, worsening December floods.
  2. Climate change predictions can influence human behavior like dam management, impacting flood risk.
  3. Balancing water management practices with changing climate patterns is crucial to prevent exacerbating natural disasters.
Adetokunbo Sees β€’ 309 implied HN points β€’ 11 Nov 23
  1. Millions of people are displaced by climate change-induced disasters like floods and hurricanes, leading to refugees, resettlement, and stateless populations.
  2. New technologies are emerging to combat climate change, such as voltage inverters, comparators, and XOR gates in the renewable energy sector.
  3. Climate change disasters exacerbate conflicts, food insecurity, and competition for resources, necessitating a global effort to mitigate the impacts through climate action.
Murray Bridge News β€’ 98 implied HN points β€’ 11 Jan 24
  1. Blaze Aid volunteers are helping with River Murray flood recovery by replacing damaged fences on flood-affected farms.
  2. Farmers needing help and volunteers willing to assist can contact Blaze Aid for assistance in fixing fences or volunteering.
  3. Blaze Aid volunteers focus on boundary fences, and the organization welcomes volunteers of all skill levels to help with various tasks.
Everything is Light β€’ 491 implied HN points β€’ 16 Feb 23
  1. Most alternatives to nuclear energy are much worse in terms of risks and consequences.
  2. Nuclear meltdowns are rare and often poorly understood, leading to unnecessary fear.
  3. Compared to other energy sources like coal and oil, nuclear energy is safer and causes less harm to the environment and human health.
Douglass’s Newsletter β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 07 Feb 24
  1. Very few are aware of major trends already happening on Earth, such as deforestation, floods, and food production decline
  2. A proposed sequence envisions a path from crisis to Gardenworld through stages like Lifeboats and Security
  3. The concept of Gardenworld offers a goal for continuous experimentation and improvement in education, medicine, and other areas
Murray Bridge News β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 31 Jan 24
  1. Primary producers along the River Murray are still struggling after the floods from 2022-2023.
  2. The flooding caused land to become unusable, affecting farmers' income and livelihoods.
  3. Repairing the flood damage, dealing with unexpected costs, and ongoing stress have taken a toll on the farming community.
Pen>Sword β€’ 79 implied HN points β€’ 01 Mar 23
  1. Earthquakes do not discriminate, but human actions based on race and religion can cause significant harm.
  2. Natural disasters like earthquakes can have devastating impacts, leading to loss of lives and homes that require global aid response.
  3. Prejudice and hate can worsen the suffering of victims of disasters, highlighting the importance of unity and support during crises.
Green Graphic Design β€’ 58 implied HN points β€’ 23 May 23
  1. Extreme weather events due to the climate crisis are becoming more common and impactful
  2. Working conditions during extreme weather can be unsafe and unhealthy, requiring time and space to handle
  3. Creating a climate-related out-of-office message is important for self-care and to communicate with clients during challenging weather conditions
The Sunday Morning Post β€’ 58 implied HN points β€’ 09 Apr 23
  1. Black Swan events are rare and unpredictable, and can have major impacts on economies and societies.
  2. Utah's Great Salt Lake is drying up due to water diversion from increased development, posing serious environmental and economic risks.
  3. Florida faces rising sea levels and stronger hurricanes, leading to potential property loss and insurance rate hikes.
Adetokunbo Sees β€’ 8 HN points β€’ 07 Jul 23
  1. Average global temperatures are consistently hitting new highs due to climate change.
  2. The El Nino event often contributes to soaring temperatures on land and sea.
  3. Implementing adaptive social protection programs and cutting fossil fuel usage are vital to combat rising temperatures.
The False Consensus Effect β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 16 Apr 21
  1. Climate change is a pressing issue with scientists warning about the consequences of global warming and carbon emissions.
  2. Individual actions, like reducing plastic waste in daily habits, have an impact on the environment and future of the planet.
  3. Building strong communities and working together as clans or groups may be essential for a sustainable future amidst the challenges of a changing world.
Adetokunbo Sees β€’ 2 HN points β€’ 14 Jul 23
  1. Fuel consumption and carbon emissions are rising, leading to an increase in disasters.
  2. Global temperature records are being broken due to escalating warming levels.
  3. Reducing fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions can help mitigate the impact of climate change.
Adetokunbo Sees β€’ 2 HN points β€’ 26 May 23
  1. Experts predict severe consequences from the upcoming El Nino, including $3 trillion global economic losses and droughts.
  2. Climate change-induced El Nino events can lead to rising temperatures, sea levels, and catastrophic weather conditions worldwide.
  3. Mitigating El Nino effects requires addressing climate change through reducing fossil fuel usage.
Adetokunbo Sees β€’ 2 HN points β€’ 23 Feb 23
  1. Experts warn that future wars may be fought over food and water due to climate change
  2. Conflict and wars in vulnerable nations are already happening over scarcity of food and water
  3. Failure to take serious climate action could lead to increased food insecurity, climate refugees, and global resource competition
Marlene’s Newsletter β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 13 Mar 24
  1. In 1885, patients with contagious diseases like smallpox were isolated on North Brother Island to prevent the spread of illness in an overcrowded New York City. Life was tough, with food shortages and high mortality rates.
  2. Tragic events like shipwrecks, fires, and disease outbreaks shaped the history of North Brother Island, including the infamous case of Typhoid Mary who unintentionally spread typhoid fever.
  3. After serving various purposes over the years, North Brother Island was left abandoned in the 1960s. Its decayed buildings and haunting stories make it off-limits to the public, now a bird sanctuary.
The Snap Forward β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 18 Mar 24
  1. Recognition of a sudden change in the world can be shocking, especially when people are unprepared for it.
  2. Upcoming announcements include a book and a condensed class focused on readying ourselves for living in a changing world.
  3. Writing is becoming slower due to physical challenges, leading to a shift towards shorter, more frequent podcasts as an alternative.