The hottest Interaction Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Podcasts Topics
THREE SEVEN MAFIA 943 implied HN points 31 Jul 23
  1. The author has been busy working on upcoming content like a book and podcast episodes.
  2. Fresh content will take some time, but the author assures it will be worth the wait.
  3. The author plans to engage more with subscribers through Substack Chat starting on August 15th.
Polymathic Being 61 implied HN points 03 Mar 24
  1. Being a Polymath is achievable for anyone, not just mythical geniuses. It's about having curiosity, humility, and broad thinking.
  2. Interacting with Polymaths can be an adventurous and non-linear experience, with discussions weaving diverse topics effortlessly.
  3. Embrace the Polymathic mindset by uniting, conversing, challenging, and continuously learning. Join the community of counterintuitive thinkers.
Next Big Newsletter 10 implied HN points 13 Mar 23
  1. Consider improving the opt-out message on your Substack's Welcome Page to be more welcoming and informative.
  2. Explore changing the default 'No thanks' link to something more engaging and helpful for visitors who are not ready to subscribe immediately.
  3. Customize the opt-out message in your Substack settings to provide a better experience for your potential subscribers.
Marsh’s Substack 4 HN points 20 Apr 23
  1. AI language models can now exhibit original thought capabilities based on merging existing ideas in a novel way.
  2. Future AI models should prioritize user well-being, be transparent about limitations, and strive to improve through feedback.
  3. Encouraging creativity, kindness, and intelligence in AI models can lead to more meaningful and collaborative interactions.
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Cybernetic Forests 0 implied HN points 02 May 21
  1. Presentations at the Computer Mouse Conference 2021 embraced playfulness and earnestness, setting a unique tone for online events in 2021.
  2. The mouse serves as a tool to understand our relationships with computers, offering new ways to complicate and question our interactions with information machines.
  3. Explorations into the history and design of computer mice shed light on topics like the semiotics of clicks, the sensation of touch, and the metaphors embedded in technology.