The hottest Media Manipulation Substack posts right now

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Caitlin’s Newsletter 1816 implied HN points 17 Mar 24
  1. Blaming all of Gaza's issues on Netanyahu might be a way to avoid necessary changes.
  2. Critics argue that blaming Netanyahu alone overlooks the larger network of powerful entities involved in the Gaza situation.
  3. Increased online education is helping people see through biased narratives and support causes like Palestine.
Caitlin’s Newsletter 2048 implied HN points 19 Feb 24
  1. Understanding the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is fundamental, and ignoring the clear atrocities in Gaza is unacceptable.
  2. Gaza serves as a pivotal point for awakening anti-imperialist sentiments, leading to greater questioning of Western foreign policies and propaganda.
  3. Challenging mainstream narratives and seeking diverse information sources are crucial to avoid falling into manipulated consent for unethical actions by those in power.
Caitlin’s Newsletter 2347 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. Challenging the United States on the front of propaganda is extremely difficult due to its powerful and complex propaganda machine.
  2. The US empire's propaganda works subtly, often going unnoticed, such as in the biased language used in media coverage of conflicts like in Gaza.
  3. US propaganda influencing headlines and news content can shape public perception and acceptance of certain narratives and actions, contributing to a distorted perspective of world events.
ᴋʟᴀᵾs 569 implied HN points 30 Jan 24
  1. Real skeptics should establish credibility and motives in debates for educated decisions.
  2. Watch out for biased information and covert manipulation in online platforms and communities.
  3. Question the motivations and connections of individuals involved in discrediting movements like UFO disclosure.
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eugyppius: a plague chronicle 88 implied HN points 12 Jan 24
  1. German taxpayer-funded fact-checkers conducted covert surveillance of a private meeting to smear Alternative für Deutschland
  2. Alternative für Deutschland is polling high in Germany, causing concern for other political parties
  3. There are suspicions of an orchestrated attack on Germany's second most popular party, the AfD
Natto Thoughts 39 implied HN points 14 Dec 23
  1. Understanding concepts and tactics associated with disinformation is crucial in countering its harmful effects.
  2. Detecting disinformation and avoiding manipulation involves learning from organizations and individuals who are actively working against it.
  3. Accessing resources such as handbooks, guides, and reports can provide valuable insights and strategies for countering and combating disinformation.
QTR’s Fringe Finance 87 implied HN points 13 Sep 23
  1. Ivermectin was unfairly portrayed during the pandemic, despite evidence of its efficacy in treating COVID-19.
  2. Media and government agencies spread misinformation about Ivermectin, labeling it as horse medicine to deter its use.
  3. The dishonesty around Ivermectin usage reveals potential conflicts of interest and undermines trust in media and pharmaceutical companies.
Perspective Agents 15 implied HN points 02 Feb 24
  1. Historical events have shown how media manipulation can cause panic and fear in the public.
  2. Cultural divides are being exploited through manufactured narratives and pseudo-events in media.
  3. Understanding the manipulation tactics in media and how information conflicts are amplified is crucial to avoid falling into misinformation traps.