The hottest Online Interactions Substack posts right now

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escape the algorithm 239 implied HN points 01 Aug 23
  1. Rituals are significant online; a user on Youtube demonstrated a unique and meaningful daily commenting ritual that garnered community engagement.
  2. Repetition in rituals builds grounding in life, from daily habits to practices that span generations, connecting to nature's rhythms and the passage of time.
  3. Rituals in online spaces like daily commenting on a video can foster community, resist typical online norms, and access a sense of the sacred through unique, repeated actions.
Path Nine 12 implied HN points 10 Jul 23
  1. Threads, a new app by Meta, gained 70 million sign-ups in 24 hours, making it the fastest downloaded app in history.
  2. Online networks are crucial, so we should consider the opportunities and challenges they bring.
  3. Focus on building genuine personal networks for meaningful online connections, rather than just more social networks.
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