The hottest Prompts Substack posts right now

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One Useful Thing β€’ 902 implied HN points β€’ 04 Mar 24
  1. Stop trying to use incantations: There is no single magic word that works all the time with AIs. Promising rewards or being polite may help occasionally, but not always.
  2. There are prompting techniques that work consistently: Techniques like adding context to prompts, providing a few examples, and using Chain of Thought can help in crafting better prompts for AIs.
  3. Prompting matters significantly: The way you prompt AIs can have a huge impact on the outcomes. Good prompts can turn a difficult task into an easy one for AI.
Cybernetic Forests β€’ 59 implied HN points β€’ 03 Jul 22
  1. Artificial Intelligence models like DALLE and Imagen can create photorealistic outputs from text prompts based on statistical analysis of images.
  2. The act of writing a poem involves a personal emotional experience that machines, lacking emotion, cannot replicate.
  3. The interpretation of machine-generated outputs as art or poetry lies with humans, who bring their own context and response to these creations, making them art through recontextualization.
The AI Report β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 08 May 23
  1. Research in AI: Recent papers highlight advancements in long-range transformers and self-supervised learning.
  2. World of AI News: introduces an AI chatbot named Amy, while Microsoft considers offering private, more secure ChatGPT instances at a premium price.
  3. Tools: Jsonformer is a helpful tool for generating JSON from language models, simplifying the JSON creation process.
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