The hottest Religious freedom Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top World Politics Topics
Can We Still Govern? 205 implied HN points 28 Feb 24
  1. Christian nationalism is a powerful form of identity politics, blending far-right Christianity with nationalism, associated with support for political violence and racial identity.
  2. Christian nationalism operates by appealing to a sense of grievance and persecution among White Christians, leading to a defense of White supremacy and denial of discrimination against Black individuals.
  3. Under a Christian nationalist state, winners are White reactionary politics while losers include religious, racial, and sexual minorities, as well as the erosion of reproductive rights and bodily autonomy.
Raheem Kassam's Substack 2535 implied HN points 22 Feb 23
  1. The grand jury foreman may have unconventional beliefs like 'Green Witchcraft'.
  2. Her appearance on media networks caused controversy over her behavior and hints about Trump's indictment.
  3. Questions are raised about her suitability for a grand jury role with significant political implications.
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The Pillar 137 implied HN points 23 Jan 24
  1. A group of Catholics celebrated a Mass at the U.S. Capitol, following a controversial FBI memo on Catholicism.
  2. The FBI memo raised concerns of targeting traditionalist Catholics for their beliefs, linking them with extremist views like white nationalism.
  3. Lawmakers are still investigating the origins and impact of the FBI memo on Catholic Americans, with ongoing concerns about religious liberty.
The Cholent 19 implied HN points 24 Mar 23
  1. The Founding Fathers of America intentionally enshrined liberty of conscience into their republic, valuing religious freedom for all.
  2. The Enlightenment era influenced the Founders to advocate for religious freedom, countering the Inquisition's religious intolerance.
  3. The United States, as envisioned by the Founding Fathers, offers a model of religious freedom that is unique in history, emphasizing liberty of conscience for all.