The hottest Software Architecture Substack posts right now

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Technology Made Simple 139 implied HN points 04 Dec 23
  1. Single Tenant Architecture provides each customer their own independent database and software instance, offering security and customization like living in a detached house.
  2. Multi-Tenant Architecture is akin to an apartment building where multiple tenants share common infrastructure, allowing for economies of scale but potentially limiting customization.
  3. Single Tenant architecture is known for high user engagement, control, and stability, while Multi-Tenant architecture favors compliance, security, and quick onboarding for better scalability.
Technology Made Simple 119 implied HN points 17 Apr 23
  1. Location matters: Place software close to clients for faster response times using CDNs, edge computing, or geo-replication.
  2. Cache wisely: Optimize speed by using in-memory caching, database caching, or web caching to avoid repeated actions.
  3. Async is key: Improve efficiency with asynchronous processing through message queues, event-driven architectures, or microservices.
Technology Made Simple 99 implied HN points 24 Oct 22
  1. Monolith architecture involves building and maintaining all components together, requiring a full rebuild when changes are made.
  2. Microservices architecture deploys and maintains different parts of the system independently, allowing for scalability and flexibility but requiring careful planning.
  3. Monoliths offer simplicity and easier testing, while Microservices provide scalability and quicker deployment but demand more setup effort and planning.
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Building Rome(s) 7 implied HN points 11 Sep 23
  1. Building timelines can be frustrating due to lack of ideal tools like Gantt charts or whiteboarding tools.
  2. C4 Diagrams are a great visual language to discuss software architecture for TPMs and PMs.
  3. There is a desire for an all-in-one tool to manage product development, simplifying the use of multiple tools like Slack, Linear, Coda, Figma.
Technology Made Simple 39 implied HN points 18 Apr 22
  1. As projects grow, you may need multiple teams to handle different components, changing how you work from being in one team to collaborating across teams.
  2. Conway's Law emphasizes that a system's design structure mirrors the organization's communication structure, highlighting the importance of how teams interact when developing a project.
  3. Learning about the risks in current software architecture design approaches can help in adapting and improving your skills for dealing with larger project scopes.
Data Products 1 HN point 07 Jul 23
  1. Data requires a source of truth that microservices cannot inherently provide without a shift in software engineering practices
  2. Not all data is equally valuable, so treating all data as microservices can be costly and restrictive
  3. The data development lifecycle differs from software development, requiring flexibility, reuse, and tight coupling that conflict with typical microservices architecture