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Vincos Newsletter β€’ 176 implied HN points β€’ 23 Sep 23
  1. HeyGen offers innovative features like video dubbing and creating personalized avatars for digital use.
  2. Major tech companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google are introducing advanced AI tools and updates.
  3. Harvard Business School and BCG research show significant benefits in productivity and quality from using AI, but caution against blind trust in AI for tasks people are not skilled at.
Vincos Newsletter β€’ 176 implied HN points β€’ 02 Sep 23
  1. Ideogram is a new tool specialized in generating images with text using AI.
  2. ChatGPT Enterprise by OpenAI offers enhanced capabilities for businesses to use AI with speed and privacy.
  3. Various companies are advancing AI technologies, like Digital Watermarking for image certification and the release of chatbots like Ernie Bot by Baidu.
Vincos Newsletter β€’ 294 implied HN points β€’ 11 Mar 23
  1. The article discusses the top 10 free AI apps, including those useful for marketers and creators.
  2. It highlights the importance of choosing the right VPS for website and software applications, based on technical requirements and hardware resources.
  3. Updates from tech giants like Spotify, Meta, and TikTok are mentioned, including new features like longer videos, decentralized social network, and premium content sales.
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