The hottest Vintage Substack posts right now

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Unbox Inbox 1129 implied HN points 23 Jan 24
  1. Pasta packaging can be a work of art, with brands focusing on sustainability and design aesthetics.
  2. Quality pasta brands pay attention to packaging details like graphics and windows, attracting consumers with visually appealing designs.
  3. The trend in pasta packaging leans towards simplicity, utilizing clean lines, white space, and sans serif fonts.
Computer Ads from the Past 384 implied HN points 29 Feb 24
  1. The post shares a parody ad from the past, highlighting the humor in mistaking it for a real ad at first glance.
  2. It mentions the addition of a direct messaging feature on Substack, encouraging readers to engage by suggesting products for coverage.
  3. The content focuses on 'Suture Software's Bludgeons 'n' Braggarts,' offering a playful look at computer ads from the past.
Blackbird Spyplane 491 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. Explore a unique collection of vintage workwear, including heavy-duty canvas dusters, chore coats, and more from brands like L.L. Bean, Carhartt, Woolrich, and Levi's.
  2. Discover an under-the-radar Japanese line at Beklina's physical store, offering independent-designer selection and beautifully textured woven Japanese cotton pieces.
  3. Experience the thrill of vintage shopping by finding connections to the past through once-cherished objects, like Molly Ringwald does, creating stories and imagining characters behind the items.
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One bag many places 1 HN point 01 May 24
  1. The Helios 44-2 lens is a vintage legend famous for its swirly Bokeh, highly accessible, continues to be relevant, and creates a dreamy feel in photos.
  2. The lens was made in multiple factories, with some variations in quality control, but generally offers exceptional value for its price.
  3. Vintage lenses like the Helios can provide unique characteristics and quality results that might surprise and fascinate photographers, even though they come from a different era.