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Caitlin’s Newsletter 2659 implied HN points 28 Feb 24
  1. The self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell was a profound act of sincerity that shocked society.
  2. This act highlighted the lack of authenticity in a world filled with artificiality and pretense.
  3. Aaron Bushnell's sacrifice awakened a sense of awareness and inspired many to reevaluate their perspectives on global issues and personal sincerity.
Caitlin’s Newsletter 1909 implied HN points 05 Mar 24
  1. The message from dominant institutions is to ignore the genocide happening right in front of us and focus on less urgent matters.
  2. There is a call to defy orders by refusing to divert attention away from atrocities like the genocide in Gaza, despite pressure to do so.
  3. The author emphasizes the importance of refusing to play along with the diversion tactics and continuing to pay attention to ongoing atrocities like the genocide committed by Israel.
Sarah Kendzior’s Newsletter 6290 implied HN points 11 Nov 23
  1. The story of Don Robinson, who rejected society in favor of solitude and freedom in nature, reminds us of the value of being independent and true to oneself.
  2. In a world filled with power struggles and inequality, it's important to recognize the manipulation and false promises of those in control and not to be complicit in their harmful agendas.
  3. Finding solace in nature, being able to embrace solitude, and reflecting on the past while looking towards the future can be sources of comfort and strength in challenging times.
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The Watch 366 implied HN points 11 Mar 24
  1. Tennessee has increased its rate of executions recently, despite questions about the fairness and transparency of the process.
  2. Journalists covering the death penalty face challenges in maintaining objectivity and dealing with the emotional toll of witnessing executions.
  3. The book 'Death Row Welcomes You' by Steven Hale sheds light on the humanity and compassion present in the community of people who connect with death row inmates, despite the harsh reality of the system.
The Novelleist 358 implied HN points 26 Feb 24
  1. Join the Salon Series at the Collector tier to discuss utopian texts through deep-dive discussions on Zoom
  2. Explore themes such as techno-futurism in 'Lathe of Heaven' and humanity from the perspective of robots in 'Psalm for the Wild Built'
  3. Delve into utopian worldbuilding in 'Terra Ignota' and the balance between dystopia and utopia in Aldous Huxley's works
Cybernetic Forests 239 implied HN points 03 Mar 24
  1. The information age has transitioned into the age of noise, where data overload and automated systems shape our digital landscape.
  2. Artificial intelligence, while powerful, operates on abstractions of past data and predictions, emphasizing the need for human oversight and consciousness in decision-making.
  3. As artists and creators, it's essential to uphold meaning and context in the face of technological advancements, facilitating a collective understanding of our history and culture.
Humanities in Revolt 319 implied HN points 08 Feb 24
  1. The viral image of an Israeli soldier standing over a bound Palestinian raises questions about the concepts of heroism, martyrdom, and the treatment of prisoners.
  2. The response to the image sparks discussion on the practices of the Israeli military, ethical considerations, and the portrayal of the prisoner's humanity.
  3. The post delves into the ideologies of heroism, martyrdom, and Judaism, emphasizing the importance of valuing human life and dignity over the glorification of force and domination.
Neckar’s Notes 144 implied HN points 09 Mar 24
  1. In a world that may feel like a wasteland, it's vital to find what makes you feel alive and follow that path, regardless of external circumstances.
  2. The current culture is saturated with distractions that cater to the dopamine loop, leading to addiction to stimulating activities and a loss of genuine connection and creativity.
  3. To combat a dead culture, one must embrace mindful attention, direct experience, creative expression, and deep connections in order to create an alive culture filled with authenticity and humanity.
The Profile 2279 implied HN points 01 Mar 23
  1. Amaryllis Fox emphasized the importance of listening to disarm the enemy.
  2. Fox highlighted the power of relationships and in-person interactions for understanding people's fears and motivations.
  3. Fox stressed the significance of recognizing each other's humanity and finding common ground through empathy and respect.
Pluriversal Planet 314 implied HN points 03 Jan 24
  1. The hegemonic narrative is collapsing, challenging individuals to redefine their beliefs and stand for a different world where many worlds can coexist.
  2. Human consciousness is undergoing a significant shift, urging people to confront the oppressive systems of the past and choose a path towards creativity, selflessness, and consciousness.
  3. The concept of Pluriverse emphasizes the coexistence of diverse worldviews and interconnectedness, offering a new perspective on how to rebuild civilization along more inclusive and interconnected lines.
The Joyous Struggle 671 implied HN points 05 Oct 23
  1. The Inner Development Goals (IDGs) were created in response to the failure to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and aim to enhance human capacity.
  2. The IDGs are challenged for their perceived emphasis on personal growth as a means of achieving goodness, their modernist perspective, and their alignment with existing power structures.
  3. Critics question whether the IDGs are truly disruptive and transformative or if they reinforce immunity to change by not addressing systemic risks and structural injustices.
The Ruffian 159 implied HN points 24 Jan 24
  1. The author is available for hire as a keynote speaker for talks on topics like curiosity and productive disagreement.
  2. The author has experience giving talks to various organizations and is open to discussing speaking engagements.
  3. The author also discusses themes like AI and being human, emphasizing the importance of maintaining humanity in the face of advancing technology.
undefended / undefeated 393 implied HN points 05 Nov 23
  1. Design for disability aims to broaden accessibility and recognition of full personhood, beyond medical labels.
  2. There is a concerning trend of medicalization, with more diagnoses and treatments for various conditions.
  3. The paradox of medicalization raises questions about the nature of everyday suffering and the need for both biomedical and existential approaches.
Figs in Winter: New Stoicism and beyond 884 implied HN points 05 May 23
  1. Stoics advise ignoring insults to maintain emotional calm and focus on facts rather than opinions.
  2. Debates in Stoic circles about insults involve balancing personal response with addressing social injustices.
  3. Important to distinguish between advising Stoics and non-Stoics, as well as between personal behavior and social action in Stoicism.
De Pony Sum 255 implied HN points 23 Oct 23
  1. Goodness is often based on moral luck, where circumstances may lead anyone to do wrong.
  2. It's challenging to categorize people as good or bad, making it important to choose how to view humanity as a whole.
  3. Forgiveness and gratitude are crucial, especially in recognizing human struggles and efforts to do good amid suffering.
The Joyous Struggle 533 implied HN points 22 Jun 23
  1. Visionaries see the future and offer direction, often through inspiring ideas and stories.
  2. Visionaries work to bring new worlds into being through language and action, shaping collective perception.
  3. Today's visionaries need to address challenges in a digital and planetary context, inspiring viable and desirable futures through qualities like fluency in different realities, questioning paradigms, and envisioning transformative struggles.
The Joyous Struggle 276 implied HN points 19 Sep 23
  1. The challenge with collective action problems, like climate collapse, is complicated by the ambiguity of the term 'we' in English, lacking the distinction between inclusive and exclusive pronouns.
  2. English's status as a predominant global language, particularly online, influences communication dynamics and power structures due to historical reasons.
  3. The inherent ambiguity in the term 'we' in English complicates addressing pervasive collective challenges, leading to speaking on behalf of everyone without acknowledging the diverse perspectives and interests that exist.
Grandmotherly Wisdom 353 implied HN points 19 Apr 23
  1. Grandmotherly Wisdom emphasizes the importance of understanding our connection to past generations and shaping a better future for those to come.
  2. It encourages finding beauty in everyday moments and the value of personal care, attention and shared experiences.
  3. It involves recognizing the collective effort needed for personal growth, building strong communities, and taking responsibility for creating a positive impact in the world.