Get Wit Quick

Get Wit Quick is a Substack focused on a wide array of life topics, from philosophical musings to practical advice, all explored with a witty perspective. It navigates through the intricacies of everyday life, societal norms, personal development, and cultural observations, offering insights with a mix of humor and profundity.

Philosophy and Life Insights Personal Development Cultural Observations Humor and Satire Societal Norms Creative Thought Literature and Art Political and Social Commentary

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452 implied HN points β€’ 15 Jun 23
  1. When wearing a hat, consider if you look ridiculous but don't let it dictate your style.
  2. Hats often make a statement and can have varied meanings depending on the style chosen.
  3. Wearing a hat is a personal choice, don't worry about societal perceptions and embrace your choice confidently.
58 implied HN points β€’ 24 Jan 24
  1. The book features 350 pages of invigorating anecdotes.
  2. The author explores if jazz musicians' virtuosity can translate into verbal wit.
  3. The drummer Shelley Manne emphasized the uniqueness and spontaneity in jazz performances.
353 implied HN points β€’ 06 Jul 23
  1. Caffeine affects spiders differently than humans - like making spiders weave weird webs
  2. Too much coffee can trigger existential angst, as seen in coffee-themed comics and tweets
  3. Coffee is deeply ingrained in capitalist work culture, offering breaks and sometimes causing sleepiness
0 implied HN points β€’ 10 Jan 24
  1. The post discusses a book that consists of 165 pages of questions with no answers.
  2. The Betteridge's law of headlines suggests that headlines in question form usually have a negative answer.
  3. The book highlighted in the post is described as a brilliant piece of work