The hottest AI Models Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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AI Disruption 19 implied HN points 30 Apr 24
  1. ChatGPT's memory feature is now open to Plus users, helping it remember details shared in chats for seamless interactions.
  2. The memory feature works by allowing users to ask ChatGPT to remember things or letting it learn on its own through interactions.
  3. Deleting chats does not erase ChatGPT's memories; users need to delete specific memories if they wish. It is important for improving AI models and can enhance user experiences.
Implications, by Scott Belsky 1159 implied HN points 21 Oct 23
  1. AI will cause major disruptions to traditional business models by optimizing processes in real-time.
  2. Time-based billing for services like lawyers and designers may become outdated as AI improves workflow efficiencies.
  3. AI will reduce the influence of brand and marketing on purchase decisions by providing more personalized guidance to consumers.
What's AI Newsletter by Louis-François Bouchard 275 implied HN points 10 Jan 24
  1. Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) enhances AI models by injecting fresh knowledge into each interaction
  2. RAG works to combat issues like hallucinations and biases in language models
  3. RAG is becoming as crucial as large language models (LLMs) and prompts in the field of artificial intelligence
Escaping Flatland 766 implied HN points 07 Jun 23
  1. Community moderation is effective because it mirrors real-life social interaction and distributes the task of policing the internet.
  2. Algorithmic content filtering on social media platforms may lead to lower conversation quality and increased conflict.
  3. AI models can support community moderation in self-selected forums, potentially enabling the growth of larger moderated communities.
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Res Obscura 3 HN points 16 Feb 24
  1. Long-distance traveling in the premodern world was incredibly dangerous and interesting, taking years from one continent to another.
  2. Generative AI tools like customized GPTs are being used in historical research and as educational tools to simulate historical scenarios.
  3. Comparison between different AI models, like GPT-4, Gemini, and MonadGPT, showed various levels of success in simulating a 17th century doctor's mental models, advice, and speech patterns.
Mythical AI 19 implied HN points 08 Mar 23
  1. Speech to text technology has a long history of development, evolving from early systems in the 1950s to today's advanced AI models.
  2. The process of converting speech to text involves recording audio, breaking it down into sound chunks, and using algorithms to predict words from those chunks.
  3. Speech to text models are evaluated based on metrics like Word Error Rate (WER), Perplexity, and Word Confusion Networks (WCNs) to measure accuracy and performance.
Digital Epidemiology 19 implied HN points 01 May 23
  1. ChatGPT can outperform doctors in providing quality and empathetic responses to patient questions.
  2. AI models interfacing directly with patients will significantly change the future of medicine.
  3. Most health-related interactions in the future may be with AI models rather than humans, requiring a focus on safety and effectiveness.
Magis 1 HN point 14 Feb 24
  1. Selling data for training generative models is challenging due to factors like lack of marginal temporal value, irrevocability, and difficulties in downstream governance.
  2. Traditional data sales rely on the value of marginal data points that become outdated, while data for training generative models depends more on volume and history.
  3. Potential solutions for selling data to model trainers include royalty models, approximating dataset value computationally, and maintaining neutral computational sandboxes for model use.
Div’s Substack 3 HN points 01 Apr 23
  1. Software 3.0 represents a shift in programming to using natural language as the new programming language.
  2. Software 3.0 involves querying a large AI model with natural language prompts to get desired output, making programming easier and more versatile.
  3. The transition to Software 3.0 brings benefits like human interpretability, generalization, and simplification of programming, but also comes with challenges like fault tolerance and latency.
Tom’s Substack 2 HN points 20 Apr 23
  1. Increased diversity in healthcare data for AI training leads to better performance for all patient demographics.
  2. AI models may memorize training data for individual patients, potentially impacting future care.
  3. Development of AI models in healthcare requires careful consideration to avoid biases and ensure accurate performance.
Boris Again 1 HN point 22 Apr 23
  1. Alternative AI models like Claude, Dolly V2, and Alpaca offer different features and prices compared to ChatGPT and GPT-4.
  2. Each model has its unique strengths and weaknesses, like speed, coherence, licensing restrictions, and price per token.
  3. While some models are self-hosted and free to access, others may require a request or have specific pricing structures.
The efficient frontier 0 implied HN points 16 Jan 24
  1. The environmental impact of AI, especially in terms of energy and water use, is a significant concern
  2. Simple energy use math can help understand the resource footprint of AI models like image generation and gaming
  3. Assessing additionality and understanding scopes are crucial in evaluating the true impact of AI on resources like water and energy
thezakelfassiexperiment 0 implied HN points 15 Jun 23
  1. Historically, power shifts with technological changes, now AI is the game changer favoring established companies with resources.
  2. Social media platforms are evolving to focus on smaller, intimate communities through group messaging and content sharing.
  3. Future work landscape may value companies based on proprietary AI models rather than traditional metrics like employees or revenue.