The hottest Kindness Substack posts right now

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Venture Prose 379 implied HN points 25 Jun 23
  1. Kindness should be a default currency when engaging with people, not something to reserve only for special situations.
  2. Expressing kindness can help to quickly determine if someone is trustworthy or not.
  3. Kindness is a valuable attribute that triggers positive responses, builds trust, and fosters happiness.
⭐️Bob’s Newsletter 19 implied HN points 26 Feb 23
  1. How you do anything is how you do everything - be diligent and committed in all areas of life.
  2. Your experiences are a reflection of your inner world - choose positivity and new beliefs for positive change.
  3. Assume the best about people and practice empathy - kindness and understanding go a long way.
Wayne's Earth 0 implied HN points 18 Dec 22
  1. Adam Smith emphasizes the benefits of being kind and considerate towards others, highlighting that acting lovingly can bring joy, satisfaction, and positive feedback from those around us.
  2. Adam Smith underlines the importance of showing kindness not only to those close to us but also to strangers as a way to build meaningful relationships and create connections with people we may never have met otherwise.
  3. Adam Smith points out that being loving towards others can lead to success, as showing care and generosity can help us achieve our own goals, create positive relationships, and open up new opportunities.
  4. Adam Smith's ideas on being lovely still hold true today, showing that demonstrating love towards others can lead to personal fulfillment, meaningful connections, and unexpected opportunities.
Wayne's Earth 0 implied HN points 18 Dec 22
  1. Adam Smith promoted the idea of being 'lovely' by showing kindness, generosity, humility, and empathy towards others.
  2. To be 'lovely' in our daily lives, we can get involved with our community, understand diverse perspectives, and be mindful of our actions to create positive relationships.
  3. Striving to be 'lovely' according to Adam Smith can lead to more positive relationships, understanding between different groups, and a harmonious society.
I Learned 0 implied HN points 29 Feb 24
  1. Express gratitude, give genuine compliments, and reach out to old contacts to make people (including yourself) happier.
  2. Having a strong theory of mind is important for efficient collaboration and decision-making in a team or leadership role.
  3. Sarcasm may not contribute positively to discussions and problem-solving, while aiming to be kind rather than just nice can lead to more constructive feedback and growth.
Spilled Coffee 0 implied HN points 08 Mar 23
  1. In a world centered around social media validation, we often forget about real-life connections and kindness.
  2. Instead of criticizing and cutting others down, we should encourage and support them in their pursuits.
  3. We all need to improve how we treat others, offering help, insight, and kindness to create a more supportive community.