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Sasha's 'Newsletter' β€’ 3992 implied HN points β€’ 19 Jan 24
  1. Facing and accepting the breakdown of expectations can lead to a new way of being, a state of 'Playing in The Ruins'.
  2. Experiencing challenges and destruction can shatter illusions and preconceptions about the future, leading to a more authentic understanding of oneself and life.
  3. Encountering wreckage and failures is a common part of life's journey, and happiness often lies beyond achieving childhood dreams or societal expectations.
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Are You Okay? β€’ 639 implied HN points β€’ 08 Dec 23
  1. Improving sleep hygiene can help with insomnia more effectively than relying on medications. This includes optimizing environmental, behavioral, and psychological factors for better sleep.
  2. Full-body MRIs as a health screening tool may not have sufficient evidence backing their utility.
  3. Prescription medications for sleep should be used cautiously due to risks of addiction and side effects. It's important to balance risks and rewards in using such medications.
Philosophy bear β€’ 90 implied HN points β€’ 22 Feb 24
  1. Existence involves desire and dissatisfaction, driving us to act and change things.
  2. While seeking equilibrium is important, it's crucial to differentiate between beneficial dissatisfaction that leads to growth and harmful sorrow caused by unmet needs.
  3. Striving for a balance where we can embrace life's joys and sorrows without clinging too tightly, seeking a state of desirelessness without losing the essence of existence.
Insight Axis β€’ 434 implied HN points β€’ 19 Oct 23
  1. Change is often accompanied by pain, and that's okay. Accepting the pain is crucial for growth.
  2. To make a change, it's important to follow your fear, as it can show you where you need to grow.
  3. Embodying change means accepting the discomfort and fear, knowing they do not define you.
Risk Musings β€’ 515 implied HN points β€’ 01 Sep 23
  1. Society often makes us feel like we never have enough, pushing us to seek more in the name of security.
  2. True security comes from forging and nourishing real connections with others, not just accumulating resources.
  3. Accepting uncertainty, embracing connections, and enjoying the journey are key to finding true security in life.
Caravanserai with Samantha Childress β€’ 530 implied HN points β€’ 19 May 23
  1. In uncertain situations, embrace unpredictability and find empowerment in accepting the unknown.
  2. The phrase 'Insha'allah' in Egypt reflects a cultural attitude of polite noncommitment and acknowledgement of life's unpredictability.
  3. Living in a place like Cairo, where randomness reigns, teaches the value of surrendering to chaos and finding happiness in uncertainty.
Wayne's Earth β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 26 Dec 23
  1. Focus on the present moment and appreciate the value of current experiences, instead of constantly thinking about what could be.
  2. Practicing gratitude by acknowledging small joys in life can shift our perspective from lack to abundance, even in challenging times.
  3. Accepting your current reality without judgment or self-criticism can lead to growth and allow you to pursue your dreams authentically.
Let's Get Psychophysical ! β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 15 Feb 23
  1. The author embraces the concept of 'reluctant elitism', focusing on writing for a select few rather than aiming for mass appeal.
  2. The author finds liberation in accepting that their work will not have mass appeal and channels their energy into creative work.
  3. They acknowledge the allure of mainstream success but choose to stay true to their niche audience and ideas.
Wayne's Earth β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 10 Jan 23
  1. Focusing too much on what could be can make us overlook the good things in our present life. It's essential to appreciate and acknowledge the blessings around us.
  2. Gratitude is a powerful tool to shift our mindset from focusing on lack to recognizing the abundance in our lives. Taking time to be thankful for even the smallest things can make a big difference.
  3. Accepting our current reality without judgment can lead to growth and transformation. It allows us to pursue our dreams without feeling 'not good enough' or 'ready yet.'
Are You Okay? β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 24 Jul 20
  1. Radical acceptance involves facing uncomfortable feelings and acknowledging unpleasant realities, no matter how painful or hard.
  2. To practice radical acceptance, it's important to acknowledge emotions, use tools to tolerate the present moment, and understand what can and cannot be controlled in life.
  3. Radical acceptance is not about agreeing with a painful reality, giving up, or judging situations; it's about embracing and dealing with difficult truths in a healthy manner.
Wayne's Earth β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 11 Oct 23
  1. Stoic philosophy emphasizes living by nature and reason, aligning actions with the world's natural order and focusing on virtues like wisdom and courage.
  2. Virtue is central to Stoicism, guiding individuals towards a meaningful and fulfilled life, encouraging inner tranquillity and moral excellence.
  3. Accepting fate, cultivating an Inner Fortress, and focusing on gratitude are key aspects of Stoicism, providing tools to navigate life's challenges with wisdom and serenity.
Wayne's Earth β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 20 Jun 23
  1. Letting go involves accepting what we can't control and focusing on finding solutions instead of dwelling on problems.
  2. Stoicism teaches self-control and reason, with a focus on what we can control in life rather than external circumstances.
  3. Practicing gratitude, gaining perspective, and accepting what cannot be changed are key to letting go and living a more peaceful life.
Wayne's Earth β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 20 Jun 23
  1. Finding peace amidst chaos is crucial for mental and emotional well-being, allowing us to focus on what truly matters in life and reduce stress and anxiety.
  2. Stoicism teaches self-control, rationality, and acceptance to help in finding peace amidst chaos, emphasizing on what we can control like our thoughts and actions rather than external factors.
  3. Applying Stoic philosophy in daily life involves releasing attachments to external things, focusing on self-improvement, living intentionally, and cultivating empathy, resilience, and mindfulness.
Wayne's Earth β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 18 Dec 22
  1. Adam Smith promoted the idea of being 'lovely' by showing kindness, generosity, humility, and empathy towards others.
  2. To be 'lovely' in our daily lives, we can get involved with our community, understand diverse perspectives, and be mindful of our actions to create positive relationships.
  3. Striving to be 'lovely' according to Adam Smith can lead to more positive relationships, understanding between different groups, and a harmonious society.
Wayne's Earth β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 13 Dec 22
  1. Stoic courage involves accepting the current situation, focusing on what can be changed, and reframing perspectives to take positive action.
  2. Self-reliance is an important aspect of stoic courage, emphasizing the need to trust oneself and handle challenges independently without becoming overwhelmed.
  3. Developing resilience is crucial in stoic courage, allowing individuals to overcome obstacles with inner strength and maintain a positive outlook despite setbacks.
The Doorman β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 14 Feb 23
  1. A story of a boy seeking his mother's approval throughout his life.
  2. Despite his achievements, the mother always responded with 'Enough'.
  3. In the end, the mother reveals that he was always 'Enough' just as he was.