The hottest Meditation Substack posts right now

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Insight Axis 1955 implied HN points 21 Jan 24
  1. Procrastination often stems from the conflict between a part of you that wants to do a task and a part that's holding you back.
  2. Direction is more important than speed - focus on progress over perfection to combat procrastination.
  3. Cultivate curiosity to overcome procrastination by being open to discomfort, using techniques like doing tasks slowly and practicing mindfulness.
Sasha's 'Newsletter' 2169 implied HN points 09 Jan 24
  1. Beginner meditation instructions can be overwhelming and may not suit everyone's experience.
  2. Maintaining broad awareness during meditation can be more calming and natural than narrowing focus to specific sensations.
  3. Adopting a permissive and curious attitude towards meditation practice can lead to more meaningful experiences.
Changing The Channel 1335 implied HN points 24 Jan 24
  1. Tara Brach emphasizes the importance of pausing and creating space for empathy and grace to change how we experience life.
  2. To bridge outer divides, we first need to bridge our inner divides by connecting with our emotions and practicing self-compassion and mindfulness.
  3. Acknowledging trauma and allowing space for collective grieving can help in fostering shared humanity and healing in a polarized world.
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Flow State 1100 implied HN points 22 Jan 24
  1. Lou Reed was an iconic American singer, songwriter, and ambient music producer.
  2. His final solo album, 'Hudson River Wind Meditations,' is designed for activities like meditation, yoga, or tai chi.
  3. The album was recently remastered and reissued by Light in the Attic Records.
Sasha's 'Newsletter' 1996 implied HN points 23 Oct 23
  1. There are two tracks of meditation - one for enhancing performance and another for deconstructing your mind.
  2. The deconstructive track can lead to profound, life-changing experiences and personal growth, but it's not for everyone.
  3. Meditation can enhance mental flexibility, allowing you to embrace criticism and change with ease.
Deep Fix 550 implied HN points 06 Jan 24
  1. In reflecting on their writing, the author discovered a blend of relative and absolute truths that coexist.
  2. The author shifted focus from seeking knowledge to embracing conscious experience through phenomenology.
  3. The author emphasized the importance of moving beyond psychedelics after receiving their transformational message, and now focuses on helping others understand it.
Silentium 235 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. Contemplating true nature and the Divine leads to transformation and a sense of unchanging presence.
  2. Burning like incense symbolizes the process of self-discovery and inner transformation.
  3. Through practices like meditation, self-inquiry, and prayer, one can burn away the false self to reveal their True Nature and attain Divine Union.
Silentium 196 implied HN points 10 Feb 24
  1. The Ashtavakra Gita is an ancient classic of Advaita Vedanta literature, focusing on a dialogue between King Janaka and the Sage Ashtavakra.
  2. Many spiritual figures, including Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Ramana Maharshi, and Mooji, consider the Ashtavakra Gita to be profound and enlightening.
  3. The Ashtavakra Gita is described as containing all essential teachings, a source of truth, simplicity, and depth to contemplate and meditate upon.
The Joyous Struggle 158 implied HN points 30 Jan 24
  1. The post discusses the concept of busyness as a dubious status claim and why time feels to pass quicker as one ages.
  2. There is a reflection on how two Harry Potter films led to thinking about Gaza, along with a positive outlook on the Perspectiva antidebate.
  3. The post includes a reading of 'Beannacht' by John O'Donohue as an antidote to late January blues.
Silentium 176 implied HN points 23 Jan 24
  1. The post discusses the concept of silence and who is hearing.
  2. Zen Master Bassui had great faith in the Bodhisattva Kannon, the Bodhisattva of Compassion.
  3. Readers can access the full post archives with a 7-day free trial subscription to Silentium.
The Art of Enchantment, with Dr Sharon Blackie 1138 implied HN points 01 Jun 23
  1. The house is shared with various animals like birds and insects, creating a harmonious living environment.
  2. Engaging with deep imagination through guided journeys can help in activating mythic imagination.
  3. Exploring fairy tales as adults can provide insights into personal transformation, archetypes, and reimagining life narratives.
Weekly Wisdom 59 implied HN points 07 Feb 24
  1. It's important to follow your flow and cultivate a relationship with your muse in whatever form it takes.
  2. Flow, as described by Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi, is a state of being characterized by selflessness, timelessness, effortlessness, and sensory richness, associated with meaningful moments and achievements.
  3. Finding your flow requires effort, but the rewards of reaching a state of effortlessness are definitely worth it in the end.
Think Future 79 implied HN points 11 Jan 24
  1. Refusing to adapt and move forward can lead to being trapped in the past, like a vampire unable to cross thresholds or change.
  2. Fear of the future can darken your soul, so embrace change and be open to new eras.
  3. Avoid living in nostalgia or too much fear of the unknown; stay present and prepared for what lies ahead.