Timeless & Timely $7 / month

Timeless & Timely explores leadership, communication, and personal development through historical wisdom and contemporary insights. It covers linguistic evolution, effective communication strategies, writing clarity, the significance of authenticity, pursuing value over happiness, the importance of truth, and the interplay of language and imagery in comics, emphasizing continuous learning and authenticity in professional and personal growth.

Leadership Communication Personal Development Historical Insights Language and Linguistics Writing and Expression Authenticity and Imitation Happiness and Purpose Online Interactions and Social Media Truth and Misinformation Visual Arts and Comics

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And their main takeaways
471 implied HN points 20 Jan 24
  1. Readers have different reading speeds and habits.
  2. People read for various reasons like entertainment, education, and challenge.
  3. There are four main categories of readers based on Coleridge's classifications.
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275 implied HN points 19 Jan 24
  1. Time is perceived as a great healer, but it is our actions that truly heal us.
  2. The traditional work schedule is changing, with concepts like the four-day workweek gaining traction.
  3. Productivity is not necessarily tied to synchronous communication like meetings; asynchronous work is becoming more common.
196 implied HN points 03 Feb 24
  1. Words considered vulgar or offensive are always changing.
  2. Presidents using profanities is not uncommon and they are only human.
  3. Historically, society's perception of offensive language has evolved over time.
255 implied HN points 28 Oct 23
  1. Words evolve over time, and phrases like "a whole nother" have an interesting linguistic history.
  2. Etymological development can involve rebracketing or resegmentation, changing the structure of words.
  3. Understanding the origins of words and phrases sheds light on how language has developed over centuries.
216 implied HN points 16 Sep 23
  1. The U.S. government promotes plain language in communications.
  2. Federal plain language guidelines emphasize clarity and conciseness.
  3. Guidelines include writing for the audience, organizing information, and choosing words carefully.
216 implied HN points 29 Apr 23
  1. Avoid clich\u00e9s in writing to make it more impactful
  2. Address clich\u00e9s head-on as they can hinder the quality of your writing
  3. Clich\u00e9s have the power to either enhance or diminish your writing
176 implied HN points 11 Feb 23
  1. Opening a physical dictionary can be a nostalgic and sensory-rich experience.
  2. Consulting a printed dictionary can create a connection to past memories and experiences.
  3. Despite the convenience of online resources, using a physical dictionary can offer a unique and rewarding experience.