The hottest Market research Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Recontact 39 implied HN points 15 Mar 24
  1. Start by finding a common interest field, building hypotheses around it, and validating them. It helps provide direction in problem-solving.
  2. When searching for industry problems, focus on non-core issues that companies face. This approach can lead to valuable insights and potential solutions.
  3. Conduct interviews with a variety of people in the industry, from executives to lower-level employees, to gather a diverse set of perspectives and understand the depth of the problem. It can help in identifying the right problem to tackle.
Grant & Co 39 implied HN points 09 Dec 23
  1. Investors appreciate regular updates from entrepreneurs to stay informed about their investments.
  2. Market research costing $20k before launching a company can save millions by avoiding building the wrong product and lead to significant revenue growth.
  3. Distinguishing between VC and PE funding strategies, along with the importance of having a clear exit plan, is crucial for successful investments in the business world.
The Data Score 138 implied HN points 24 May 23
  1. Leveraging alternative data for revenue estimates goes beyond traditional transaction data, focusing on customer acquisition and retention insights.
  2. Applying the customer acquisition funnel framework to alternative data can help identify early trends and potential growth issues in a business.
  3. Monitoring the journey from awareness to loyalty using alternative data sets can offer valuable insights for predicting sustainable revenue growth beyond the short term.
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The Data Score 59 implied HN points 02 Oct 23
  1. The newsletter offers insights into data-driven decision-making for a range of professionals.
  2. The newsletter includes a section where jargon related to finance, data, and technology is defined in simpler terms.
  3. Top 5 most viewed articles from the Data Score Newsletter offer valuable insights on revenue estimates, alternative data, evaluating data partners, and more.
ASeq Newsletter 65 implied HN points 23 Aug 23
  1. The post discusses a poll for what people want in a sequencer, without vendors guiding the surveys.
  2. Considerations in the polls include the idea of a sequencer being identical except for one magical different feature from a new vendor.
  3. The poll asks if you would definitely buy the sequencer, potentially changing a planned purchasing decision.
The Data Score 59 implied HN points 22 Jun 23
  1. Institutional investors need to find surprising insights in data but also be skeptical of them to ensure accuracy and avoid errors.
  2. When using alternative data to make predictions, it's crucial to verify if the insights answer the right questions and differ from the market consensus.
  3. Digging into the data through various methods like independent validation, error margin assessment, and data integrity checks is essential for investors to ensure the reliability of surprising insights.
Build To Scale 39 implied HN points 19 Aug 23
  1. Being honest about product-market fit is crucial for startups. Make sure people care about what you're building.
  2. Spend time understanding customer pain points early on. Don't assume you know what they need before talking to them.
  3. Listen actively to customers, uncover their real problems, and focus on solutions that address their urgent needs.
The Product Channel By Sid Saladi 37 implied HN points 26 Mar 23
  1. ChatGPT helps product managers streamline tasks, focus on strategy, and deliver innovative solutions.
  2. ChatGPT provides product managers with AI-generated insights to enhance decision-making.
  3. Integration of ChatGPT in product development process leads to creating innovative solutions and enhanced user experiences.
Good Better Best 3 implied HN points 21 Apr 23
  1. SaaS companies are getting rid of freemium plans recently.
  2. Use clear storytelling principles on your pricing page: build for someone, use resonating names, offer clear value propositions, focus on benefits not features, and provide expanding detail.
  3. Consider different strategies for pricing research based on the nature of your product and market.
Ben’s Growth Musings 2 HN points 01 Mar 23
  1. The author attempted to validate an idea for an AI phishing protection product by following a structured process.
  2. The author found technical feasibility but faced challenges with market interest and competition, ultimately leading to scrapping the project.
  3. Key takeaways include the importance of validating riskiest hypotheses and understanding market interest before investing further resources.
Harmony 0 implied HN points 04 Apr 23
  1. Identifying a consulting niche involves focusing on a specific, enjoyable, and potentially profitable market segment.
  2. To find business needs for consulting, interact with businesses, consultants, and utilize consulting platforms.
  3. Building a consulting venture parallels building a product startup, requiring understanding the market, defining a niche, and prospecting for clients.
Yong’s Newsletter 0 implied HN points 11 Jul 23
  1. Identifying and targeting the correct target customer group is crucial for business success.
  2. Understanding customer needs and preferences is essential for delivering value and aligning products/services with the market.
  3. Iterative testing, learning from mistakes, and adapting to customer feedback are key for aligning products/services with the right target customer group.
Helix 0 implied HN points 26 Jan 24
  1. Market research report on transition finance launched on 23rd Jan 2024 with the participation of asset owners, managers, institutions, corporates, policymakers, and analysts.
  2. Engaged audience used live polling for responses to findings and recommendations.
  3. Subscription access to Helix.Earth platform now available, offering advisory and training services, with successful onboarding of customers.
CyberSecurityMew 0 implied HN points 27 Nov 23
  1. The cybersecurity industry in China has shown significant growth, with enterprises focusing on compliance and the development of security systems.
  2. Security operations are crucial for enterprises to proactively defend against cybersecurity threats and enhance security capabilities.
  3. The demand for enterprise security operations has led to the expansion of the security operations market, offering a variety of products, services, and application scenarios.
Joseph Gefroh 0 implied HN points 16 Feb 24
  1. Articulate and define risks as a product manager to create value, balancing different factors.
  2. Fitness risk is the risk that your solution won't solve the intended problem effectively.
  3. Address fitness risk early by validating solutions with minimal effort, such as research-based or competitor-based approaches.
The Tech Bubble 0 implied HN points 01 Apr 24
  1. When starting a business, focus on solving a real problem for clients instead of letting technology dictate the solution.
  2. Validate your business idea by engaging with potential customers and seeking their feedback early on to avoid wasting time and resources.
  3. Learn from early failures and pivot to new ideas based on real-world feedback to increase chances of success in future startup attempts.
Penelope Trunk's Substack 0 implied HN points 17 Feb 23
  1. Entrepreneurship requires a certain level of 'craziness' due to its challenging nature with low success rates.
  2. Market research for business ideas should involve practical testing rather than just theoretical surveys, like setting up a pop-up business.
  3. Observing real-life needs and gaps in services can lead to innovative business ideas, like the need for more dog training services in Boston.