The hottest Survey Substack posts right now

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Erin In The Morning β€’ 6584 implied HN points β€’ 07 Feb 24
  1. A recent survey of over 90,000 transgender individuals shows high levels of satisfaction post-transition.
  2. The survey results challenge prevailing narratives of transgender regret prevalent in anti-trans media.
  3. The largest detrans survey had only 100 responses, highlighting the rarity of detransition and regret among transgender individuals.
ideassleepfuriously β€’ 373 implied HN points β€’ 15 Jan 24
  1. Research suggests a positive link between IQ and socioeconomic status across ethnic groups.
  2. A study shows a growing IQ disparity between Japan and the US, with an increase in average IQ in Japan attributed to environmental improvements.
  3. Survey data indicates a decrease in the freedom to express political opinions in Germany, particularly among young people, less educated individuals, and supporters of specific political parties.
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Mental Disorder β€’ 98 implied HN points β€’ 04 Oct 23
  1. Rates of mental health disorders in Canada have significantly increased over the past decade.
  2. Young Canadian women are particularly affected, with high rates of social anxiety and major depressive disorder.
  3. Economic factors like a stagnant economy and rising living costs play a significant role in the worsening mental health crisis in Canada.
Knowingless β€’ 15 HN points β€’ 01 Mar 24
  1. Despite societal pressures and fears, the author faced their anxieties to explore sexual adventures and gangbang experiences.
  2. Organizing a large orgy event involved significant planning, including safety measures like STI testing and logistics like condom distribution.
  3. Men who attended the gangbang reported positive experiences, with some facing challenges in maintaining arousal due to the unusual setup.
ASeq Newsletter β€’ 65 implied HN points β€’ 23 Aug 23
  1. The post discusses a poll for what people want in a sequencer, without vendors guiding the surveys.
  2. Considerations in the polls include the idea of a sequencer being identical except for one magical different feature from a new vendor.
  3. The poll asks if you would definitely buy the sequencer, potentially changing a planned purchasing decision.
My Home Office Hacks β€’ 5 implied HN points β€’ 18 Mar 24
  1. Readers in the 18-30 age bracket are less likely to participate in surveys, showing the importance of understanding audience preferences.
  2. There was a diverse mix of respondents in terms of age and occupation, with a clear preference for more productivity articles and wellness content.
  3. Having plants like Golden Pothos, Jade plants, and Snake plants in the home office can boost productivity and happiness, as shown by research. These plants require minimal care.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 23 Apr 24
  1. Noise refers to the unwanted variability in decisions made by experts when looking at the same information, leading to inconsistent decisions.
  2. The 'noise' audit process involves creating fictional scenarios and survey questions to measure the undesirable variability in decision-making when assessing threats.
  3. The study involved sending a survey to law enforcement practitioners who rated fictitious school shooting threat vignettes and selected response actions, aiming to understand how 'noise' impacts threat assessment.
deepculture β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 04 Feb 24
  1. The post is about a survey for improving a paid subscription service on
  2. The survey asks 3 questions based on user preferences
  3. It encourages feedback and input from users to enhance the paid version
Quantum Formalism β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 15 May 23
  1. There is a plan to run more mathematics courses and applied topics relevant to mathematical courses to enhance the QF learning experience.
  2. The team is considering implementing a learning management system to provide QF learners with access to all courses in one place for a better asynchronous learning experience.
  3. A survey has been launched to gather feedback on the necessity of a learning management system and to explore open-source systems for customization and hosting.
Quantum Formalism β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 01 Nov 22
  1. The group theory crash course is wrapping up soon, with only three lectures left to go.
  2. There are two options for wrapping up the course: November 25 with weekly lectures or December 9 with the current biweekly schedule.
  3. In the final lectures, there will be coverage of group representation theory to provide a preview before the Lie Groups & Representations course.
Quantum Formalism β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 30 Jun 21
  1. Join the Quantum Formalism Discord server for a topology crash course.
  2. The crash course will cover core concepts like topological spaces, closed sets, subspace topology, neighborhoods, and Hausdorff spaces.
  3. The course will include elements of Differential Geometry in the manifold section and participants are asked to fill out a short survey to help adjust the level of abstraction.
Quantum Formalism β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 12 Sep 20
  1. A pre-lecture survey on mathematical abstraction is available to help adjust content and approach for the upcoming live session.
  2. Those attending the live session can look forward to it happening next Friday.
  3. For those not able to attend, there is the option to subscribe to the YouTube channel where the live session recording will be uploaded.