Based Meditations

Based Meditations explores human consciousness, societal trends, and philosophical insights against modern cultural decay. It delves into the complexities of technology, ideology, mental health, and personal development, advocating for truth, beauty, and individuality in a rapidly changing world.

Philosophy Societal Critique Technology and Society Mental Health Personal Development Cultural Analysis Art and Creativity

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And their main takeaways
278 implied HN points 19 Aug 23
  1. Becoming a software developer is highly appealing due to the potential for high salaries and the option to work from home
  2. Influencers in the software development space often oversimplify the requirements and challenges of breaking into the industry
  3. Having a degree, building a strong portfolio, and understanding the nuanced demands of the software industry are crucial for success
8 HN points 12 Mar 24
  1. The future of programming may shift towards a focus on creativity and innovation rather than just logic and coding skills.
  2. The impact of AI and automation on the programming industry is uncertain, leading to a potential rise in independent artists creating software.
  3. There is a growing trend of passionate developers moving away from traditional software jobs to pursue artistic endeavors, potentially transforming software development into a form of art.
39 implied HN points 03 Dec 23
  1. Slavery still exists in various forms globally, despite the perception of modern advancement and democracy.
  2. Strong willpower and autonomy are essential for true freedom and independence, rather than relying on external systems or powers.
  3. Power dynamics, such as master-slave relationships, exist not just in human systems but also in nature and the cosmos, shaping our societal structures and interactions.
39 implied HN points 25 Nov 23
  1. The Atomized Empire metaphorically represents how technology has enslaved us, influencing behavior through digital means.
  2. Technology, like a modern Trojan Horse, has stealthily infiltrated our lives, controlling us through addictive algorithms and impacting human culture.
  3. Our increasing addiction and reliance on technology is leading to loneliness, social disconnection, and a detachment from the real world, hindering deep human connections and meaningful interactions.
39 implied HN points 08 Sep 23
  1. Depression serves a vital evolutionary purpose towards individuation and growth, contrary to being seen as a mere problem to be fixed with medication.
  2. Depression is often associated with lifestyle issues such as high stress, lack of control, and poor habits, indicating a strong need for change in one's life.
  3. Nature sends signals through depressive states to prompt individuals to make lifestyle adjustments that prioritize survival and well-being, acknowledging depression as an evolved feature and not an error to be suppressed with drugs.
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39 implied HN points 15 Aug 23
  1. Change is a constant force shaping our lives, leading to a yearning for stability and constant ideals, which serve as ideological anchors.
  2. The pursuit of truth drives human progress and curiosity, intertwining with beauty and goodness as guiding principles in our lives.
  3. Human creativity, expressed through art, structures, and belief systems, aims to impose order on a changing world, driven by the desire for expression and greatness.
19 implied HN points 29 Sep 23
  1. Enemies are not just human-made, but also a fundamental force of nature due to competition for survival and resources.
  2. Embracing and understanding enemies can lead to personal growth and motivation, culminating in greatness.
  3. Conflict and competition, even with enemies, can lead to creativity, abundance, and mutualistic relationships, showcasing the importance of both love and hate in life.
19 implied HN points 29 Aug 23
  1. Some groups distort scientific research to push ideological agendas, affecting societal views and decisions.
  2. Encouraging children to make life-altering decisions without proper guidance and support can have negative consequences.
  3. True progress involves personal excellence, spiritual wellness, and standing up for beliefs, rather than blindly following societal trends.
19 implied HN points 13 Aug 23
  1. The shadow, based on Carl Jung's theory, is the unconscious mind we are unaware of, containing repressed emotions and instincts.
  2. Archetypes like the hero or the shadow are universal human themes found in all cultures and time periods, helping us understand common behavioral patterns.
  3. Integrating and understanding our shadow - both individually and as nations - is crucial for psychological harmony and societal progress.
0 implied HN points 08 Aug 23
  1. Beauty can be found in the mundane moments of life.
  2. Being open to experiencing emotions and states without the influence of the conceptual self can reveal true beauty.
  3. Art and creativity allow us to transcend the ordinary, expressing the essence of life itself.
0 implied HN points 08 Aug 23
  1. Exploring the microcosm of our thoughts and experiences can lead to a greater understanding of the interconnected universe around us.
  2. Each person has their own undiscovered territory within their mind, representing an infinite path sculpted by time and constant morphing.
  3. Consciousness reflects the chaotic order of nature, with internal fluctuations akin to the constant movement of the ocean, showing life as a journey through varied conditions.
0 implied HN points 21 Jan 23
  1. Listening to classical music can improve mental health and temporary intelligence by passive exposure.
  2. Classical music therapy has shown significant benefits for depression, cognitive function, and epilepsy.
  3. Relaxing classical music can enhance sleep quality, but lyrics may hinder the effect by causing 'earworms'.
0 implied HN points 31 Oct 23
  1. Culture is shaped by the values, actions, and interactions of people, emphasizing the importance of individual responsibility in cultural preservation and evolution.
  2. Cultural unity fosters trust, cooperation, and collective problem-solving, acting as a social operating system that enables large groups to thrive.
  3. The future of culture is influenced by environmental changes, immigration, and mimetic behaviors, highlighting the impact of conscious choices on both personal and societal values.
0 implied HN points 01 Sep 23
  1. Humans are driven by the fear of death and the desire for power and control, seeking to conquer mortality and transcend their limits.
  2. Consciousness drives humans to envision a future beyond their current state, leading to technological advancements and societal contributions.
  3. In the grand scheme of influence and power dynamics, humans seem to follow a natural order of gravitational forces, seeking immortality through contributions to society and future generations.
0 implied HN points 15 Sep 23
  1. The current trend of pursuing balance in health practices stems from a desire for comfort and predictability in our chaotic Western lives.
  2. While achieving emotional centeredness is important, seeking only tranquility through stress relief may lead to a docile spirit and a lack of growth.
  3. Instead of avoiding stress and seeking balance as the ultimate goal, embracing stress in healthy amounts can actually strengthen the human will and increase capacity to deal with life.