On Engineering

Long-form content & essays about engineering, technology, the secrets behind the tech business, and the many processes that got us here.

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And their main takeaways
44 implied HN points 22 Apr 23
  1. Core-JS is a crucial JavaScript library with significant dependencies in the open-source community and popular software.
  2. The project faced financial difficulties due to the sole maintainer's plea for support and threats to its future.
  3. There are concerns about the security and continuity of Core-JS, emphasizing the need for community involvement, financial support, and alternative solutions.
44 implied HN points 12 Apr 23
  1. The security of open source software is under threat due to a lack of reliable maintainers, leading to compromised secure software supply chains.
  2. Supply-chain attacks, like the SolarWinds attack, can have massive impacts on government agencies and organizations by compromising dependencies in software.
  3. Incentivizing open source maintainers with money may not always be the best solution; allocating real engineering time and resources to contribute and support open source projects can help maintain software reliability and security.
1 HN point 03 Dec 23
  1. Deprecating and removing open source projects can have major consequences on dependent projects in the software ecosystem.
  2. Maintaining a library may not always be feasible due to various factors like engineering allocations and dependencies.
  3. Forking a project can be a viable option for businesses heavily reliant on a library that is no longer actively maintained.
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