The hottest Donation Substack posts right now

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well, actually 157 implied HN points 31 Jul 23
  1. Delicious beverages like Cool Brew can make a great alternative to reading recommendations.
  2. Consider supporting grassroots organizations like Survived & Punished NY, Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund, and Whose Corner Is It Anyway.
  3. Cool Brew, a coffee concentrate made in New Orleans, is a cost-effective and tasty option for iced coffee.
Thái | Hacker | Kỹ sư tin tặc 19 implied HN points 20 Aug 21
  1. The current situation regarding COVID-19 in Vietnam is dire, with overloaded healthcare systems and a need for essential supplies like masks, PPE, and oximeters.
  2. Efforts like distributing food packages, providing medical workers with N95 masks, and funding grassroots groups are crucial in the ongoing relief campaign.
  3. Supporting the campaign by donating, sharing information, and offering ideas to raise funds or acquire necessary supplies can make a significant difference in helping those affected by COVID-19 in Vietnam.
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