Thái | Hacker | Kỹ sư tin tặc

Thái | Hacker | Kỹ sư tin tặc is a Substack focused on cybersecurity, technological innovation, and the personal experiences of a Vietnamese engineer navigating the tech industry. It covers online security challenges in Vietnam, ethical hacking, personal journeys within the tech sector, and insights on living a balanced life amidst tech advancements.

Cybersecurity Technological Innovation Personal Development Vietnamese Technology Scene Ethical Hacking Career Growth Cultural Insights Online Privacy

The hottest Substack posts of Thái | Hacker | Kỹ sư tin tặc

And their main takeaways
2037 implied HN points 27 Jun 24
  1. The game of Diophantus, an ancient Greek mathematician, has had a lasting impact on cryptography and internet security, with the basis of elliptic curve cryptography originating from his mathematical puzzles.
  2. Diophantus's famous book 'Arithmetica' went missing for centuries but resurfaced to contribute to the advancements in mathematics, leading to significant discoveries like Fermat's Last Theorem.
  3. The study of elliptic curves, inspired by concepts like Kepler's study of ellipses, has become a central focus in mathematics, intersecting various branches like number theory, algebra, and geometry, and even impacting modern technology such as Bitcoin security.
2716 implied HN points 02 May 24
  1. Calif's report on LockBit v3 reveals a vulnerability allowing partial data recovery without ransom payment.
  2. Knowing ransomware algorithms is crucial for recovery strategies, even if mistakes can happen.
  3. Common ransomware recovery strategies include backup restoration, ransom payment, or self-decryption, with emphasis on avoiding public disclosure.
4233 implied HN points 03 Apr 24
  1. Quick response and collaboration are crucial in handling cybersecurity incidents
  2. Taking breaks, like getting enough rest, can help improve problem-solving and decision-making
  3. Understanding the basics and seeking help from experts can accelerate the decryption process
1218 implied HN points 10 May 24
  1. Success formula inspired by Joel Spolsky: treat programmers like stars, provide top-notch perks, and prioritize spending on talented employees.
  2. Prioritize long-term investment in the business over short-term profits, ensure employees are treated well, and focus on quality of service to clients.
  3. Maintain a high standard in business practices, provide elite-level service to clients, and prioritize comfort and convenience for employees to enhance productivity.
6810 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. Visiting the White House to discuss cybersecurity and AI for Vietnam showed the importance of global connections and the need to align local programs with broader international initiatives.
  2. Efforts to engage government support require strategic positioning within larger global agendas, as seen during the meeting with the National Security Council.
  3. Navigating policy advocacy involves persistence and optimism, as demonstrated by the challenges and outcomes of the meeting at the White House.
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11143 implied HN points 25 Dec 23
  1. Tech giants like Microsoft, Google, and Meta have dedicated teams to combat fraud from Vietnamese individuals.
  2. Individuals from Vietnam have been involved in creating fake online accounts and engaging in various forms of online fraud, causing significant financial losses.
  3. Vietnam has a reputation for fraud and account takeover schemes in the global community, leading to distrust and higher trading costs for the country.
2396 implied HN points 22 Mar 24
  1. Investigating incidents involves more than just technical tools and techniques; 80% success comes from logical reasoning and keeping calm.
  2. Investigating an incident requires thinking about the 'why' before deciding on the 'how'; it's about determining the investigative direction.
  3. Confirmation bias, the tendency to seek information that supports preconceptions, can hinder incident investigations; focus on evidence-based conclusions instead.
5172 implied HN points 12 Jan 24
  1. During the COVID pandemic, people contributed funds for relief efforts in Vietnam, supporting various volunteer groups addressing different needs like food distribution, shopping for isolated families, and providing medical supplies.
  2. One standout individual, Dr. Lê Minh Ngọc, led a team in setting up a treatment center for severe COVID cases in Bình Dương, showcasing dedication and resourcefulness in the face of challenges.
  3. The story highlights the impact of selfless service by individuals like Dr. Ngọc and Dr. Mai, who left their jobs to help during a time of crisis, emphasizing the importance of such noble actions in society.
3914 implied HN points 25 Jan 24
  1. Sometimes participating in events just for the sake of being part of it can add some color to our otherwise dull lives.
  2. Not everyone accompanying a group is a part of it, some are there just for show and to take photos.
  3. Reflecting on the value of experiences and moments captured can make us appreciate the significance of each opportunity.
2576 implied HN points 10 Feb 24
  1. Time spent with loved ones is precious and can change over the years
  2. As we grow older, the amount of time we have for family may decrease
  3. Special occasions like New Year's Eve can offer moments to cherish with family
3474 implied HN points 29 Dec 23
  1. Having a 'bullshit detector' or independent thinking mindset is crucial for evaluating information and avoiding deception.
  2. Questioning and independent thinking are essential for uncovering truth and preventing misinformation.
  3. Encouraging a culture of questioning and respecting those who ask questions can lead to a more informed and ethical society.
2296 implied HN points 04 Dec 23
  1. Success in business comes from creating something people want and need, not just what looks good or follows trends.
  2. Focusing on serving customers and generating revenue is more important initially than fancy offices or elaborate company structures.
  3. Innovation thrives when failure is embraced, and simplicity is prioritized over elaborate ventures.
3574 implied HN points 24 Jul 23
  1. The central focus of the rescue flight trial is the confrontation between two of the finest Vietnamese police officers.
  2. The evidence presented includes a video of one officer receiving a bag and call records between the two officers.
  3. The importance of being mindful of the data and metadata we leave behind in our daily lives, as it can potentially be used against us.
6270 implied HN points 12 Mar 23
  1. Hacking into critical computer systems in Vietnam can lead to serious breaches of sensitive information like health records, highlighting the need for stronger cybersecurity measures.
  2. Vietnam's rapid economic development and political status make it a target for hackers, posing risks to the country's economy. Enhancing cybersecurity teams and rewarding local talent can help address these threats.
  3. Data breaches in sectors like healthcare in Vietnam reveal vulnerabilities that allow for easy manipulation of personal information, emphasizing the importance of improving data security measures.
3335 implied HN points 01 Jul 23
  1. Using public WiFi may not be as unsafe as it used to be, thanks to TLS encryption protecting data transmission.
  2. The Gell-Mann Amnesia effect highlights the tendency to trust news in unfamiliar fields despite recognizing inaccuracies in a familiar one.
  3. It's important to approach traditional media and social media critically, relying on credible sources and independent verification.
1637 implied HN points 20 Oct 23
  1. Cô Vũ Kim Hạnh is described as a U70 super woman full of energy and a love for life, always seeking ways to help others.
  2. The author admires Ms. Hạnh's zest for life and wishes to have even half of her vitality.
  3. The podcast chat with cô Vũ Kim Hạnh is in Vietnamese, and viewers are encouraged to subscribe to support the creators.
4233 implied HN points 01 Apr 23
  1. The author has decided to leave Google after nearly 12 years, feeling sad about this personal decision.
  2. The author jokingly chose April Fools' Day to announce this decision but ultimately feels the weight of the farewell.
  3. Working at Google was a dream come true for the author, and they express deep gratitude towards their colleagues and friends.
1 HN point 26 Jun 24
  1. Diophantus, an ancient Greek mathematician, is known for solving equations with two unknowns and his work formed the basis for modern cryptographic algorithms like ECC.
  2. The lost works of Diophantus, preserved during historical upheavals, resurfaced over centuries, impacting later mathematicians like Fermat, who posed the famous Last Theorem.
  3. The journey from Tycho, who pioneered data science with precise astronomical observations, to Kepler discovering that planetary orbits are ellipses, connects to the development of elliptic curves in mathematics.
818 implied HN points 22 Dec 23
  1. The Vietnamese Government is focusing on enhancing cybersecurity in the banking and cashless payment sectors to prevent system intrusions and theft from bank accounts.
  2. Foreign hackers have previously stolen significant amounts of money from domestic banks in Vietnam, prompting authorities to take action.
  3. Efforts by organizations like Calif, led by the author, aim to reduce vulnerabilities in critical national systems and contribute to enhancing security measures in Vietnam.
838 implied HN points 07 Dec 23
  1. BEAST was recognized as the world's best web hacking technique of 2011 and led to advancements in internet security.
  2. The creation of BEAST resulted in the phasing out of insecure protocols like SSL 3.0 and the adoption of more secure TLS 1.3.
  3. The work on BEAST by the author and Juliano over a decade ago is still acknowledged at major conferences today, showcasing its lasting impact.
798 implied HN points 04 Dec 23
  1. AI Day 2023 event will feature learning from red teaming AI models and systems.
  2. Thai Duong will present online from California due to logistical issues.
  3. Presentation at AI Day 2023 will include cool demos, aiming to be fun and engaging.
2895 implied HN points 06 Mar 23
  1. Some argue that government intervention in technology development may hinder innovation, suggesting that allowing private entities to operate freely could lead to better outcomes.
  2. Investment in technology tailored to local market needs is usually driven by market demand, without necessarily needing government prompting.
  3. Emphasizing the importance of data security and individual privacy, it's highlighted that reliance on domestic technology doesn't automatically guarantee safety, as user data concerns can also arise.
738 implied HN points 03 Nov 23
  1. Calif is a young firm on the verge of a big boom, working with top firms in AI, infrastructure, and products, and offering great work experiences.
  2. Calif is hiring excellent hackers to tackle important tech challenges and offers a unique opportunity to work in a company with a high standard reminiscent of Silicon Valley's early days.
  3. Calif has open positions for Offensive Security Engineer, Software Engineer, and Technical Project Manager, with a referral reward of USD 2,000 for successful hires.
718 implied HN points 18 Oct 23
  1. Team Calif visited the US for their offsite summer 2023, but only 8 members could go due to visa challenges.
  2. For many team members, it was their first trip to the US and a memorable experience.
  3. Calif is hiring hackers, software engineers, system reliability engineers, and technical project managers.
2176 implied HN points 01 Mar 23
  1. Trần Hữu Dũng was a significant figure in the Viet Studies community, known for his informative website and valuable contributions. His passing leaves a void for those who enjoyed his content.
  2. His story mirrors the experiences of many Vietnamese families worldwide, reflecting the struggles and complexities of grappling with dual cultural identities.
  3. Contemplating legacy and impact, it's a reminder to focus on living in the present and not be overly concerned with how one will be remembered after passing.
1517 implied HN points 12 Jul 22
  1. Solving cybercrime cases during a pandemic can be challenging but rewarding, leading to new ideas and career advancements.
  2. Investigating cyber incidents requires thinking like a hacker to anticipate their next moves and gather crucial evidence.
  3. Learning from mistakes and conducting thorough investigations are crucial in cybersecurity to prevent future attacks and uncover hidden clues.
319 implied HN points 20 May 22
  1. Attending a high-profile event like the Harvard Kennedy School gathering provides a platform to raise important issues, like cybersecurity in this case.
  2. The atmosphere at events involving high-ranking officials can be tense, especially when asking challenging questions.
  3. Directly engaging in discussions and asking thought-provoking questions can lead to impactful contributions and connections.
299 implied HN points 07 May 22
  1. In the US, the term 'senior' can refer to a high school senior, not just a high-ranking engineer. Don't get lost in translation!
  2. At Google, a team typically consists of 6 members with one manager - a lower-level leadership role. In different contexts like Vietnam, this might be seen as a much higher position.
  3. Job titles don't always reflect actual skills or contributions. Don't get caught up in inflated titles - focus on your work instead.
399 implied HN points 05 Oct 21
  1. The electronic health record system in Vietnam has serious security vulnerabilities, potentially exposing sensitive personal information of millions of individuals, including high-profile government officials.
  2. It is crucial for the government to address these vulnerabilities promptly by working with developers to fix the flaws and involve independent assessment.
  3. The long-term recommendation is to make national technology systems transparent by publicly sharing source code, design documents, and development plans to allow for widespread scrutiny and error detection.
259 implied HN points 13 Oct 21
  1. The electronic health record system had several security vulnerabilities like default passwords, IDOR, HQL Injection, and path traversal.
  2. The system's security issues were a cause for disappointment as it seemed lack of responsible security assessment teams had overlooked these basic vulnerabilities.
  3. There were common security oversights like unauthenticated API endpoints, SQL injection vulnerabilities, path traversal vulnerabilities, and use of default passwords.
219 implied HN points 26 Dec 21
  1. Criminals invest in technology and human resources to personalize online scams, causing significant financial losses.
  2. Online scams affect individuals of all levels of knowledge and expertise, emphasizing the need for better cybersecurity measures to protect users.
  3. Balancing security and user experience is crucial in developing effective solutions to combat various types of online fraud.
199 implied HN points 21 Jan 22
  1. Vietnam's contribution to the 5G technology development seems minimal, with no significant participation in organizations like 3GPP.
  2. Vietnamese companies like Viettel are making strides in 5G technology, but their global leadership in the field is questionable.
  3. Involvement in alliances like O-RAN can offer Vietnamese companies opportunities in the 5G space, but it doesn't necessarily establish global leadership.
119 implied HN points 28 Jul 22
  1. The author will be participating in various events in Vietnam in August 2022, connecting with students and presenting on hacking and defending Vietnamese banks.
  2. There will be a Real World Crypto Day event organized, featuring cryptography experts and discussions on cryptography.
  3. The author humorously mentions creating a new title for himself and hints at organizing an event in Saigon, showcasing a playful approach to self-promotion.